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(解释性文字) explanatory notes on the title or background of a book (解除顾虑或限制) have a free hand; go all out; have more access to: (触动) touch sth., moving it slightly (言外之意) what is actually meant; implication: (言语曲折费思索) involved; knotty; tricky:
(言语行动出乎常规之外) overstep the bounds: (警报汽笛) siren (计划外生育) have children outside the state plan; have more children than the family planning policy stipulated; unplanned birth (计策; 手段) trick; device (计较) haggle; argue; dispute
(订交) form a friendship; contract a friendship (订出大概的计划) draw a general plan; make a plan (认为希奇而喜爱) value as a rarity; cherish: (认为) think; feel; find: (认真) serious; sober; earnest; grave:
(认识清楚) realize: (讥笑) ridicule; put to shame: (讨人喜欢) cute; lovely (让人到别处去) send away; put sb. off: (让座) offer [give up] one's seat to sb.
(记事的文章) record; account: (记录员)log keeper;(男) script holder; (女) script girl (记录的文字) notes; record: (记录)log (记忆不清) faint; dim; hazy:
(记账的折子) a notebook recording commercial deliveries, orders, payment, etc. (记述历史经过) account; record of events; chronicles (讲演讨论的场所) a place for public speech or discussion; forum (讲演) speech; talk: (讲究) care about; fastidious; particular:
(讲话或文章的开始部分) opening speech; introductory remarks; opening remarks: (讲课稿) lecture notes (讲道理) reason things out; have it out: (许诺) promise; comply with: (讽刺的话) sarcastic remark:
(设在屋檐下防鸟的金属网) wire netting (设法谋取) try to obtain; seek; have ideas about; plan: (设置) offer (a course in college, etc.): (诀要) secret; knack: (评价或评定正确程度) marking
(评定高低) pass judgment on; evaluate (诅咒用语) Damn the ghost! Damn it! (识别敌我的口头暗号) password; watchword; countersign; shibboleth: (诊病) see a patient; examine a patient (词典中的) entry:
(试验性航行) shake down: (诗文意味浓厚) profound and natural (诗文的韵律) tonal patterns in classical Chinese poetry (话不肯定) noncommittal; indefinite: (话多) keeping up a constant flow of words:
(话多) keeping up a constant flow of words (话头) thread of discourse [conversation]: (话里的含意) implication: (详情) details; particulars; detailed information (语言和文学) language and literature
(语言文字) language (oral and written) (说大话): (说废话) jabber; blah-blah: (说明原因) account for (说明发起某件事情的缘故的文字) an account of the founding of an institution or the beginning of a project
(说笑闹着玩) make merry; make a joke: (说话、写文章绕圈子) beat about the bush; in a roundabout way; in a devious way; prunes and prism; circumambulate: (说话不直截了当) beat about [around] the bush; talk in a roundabout way: (说话做事时露出的漏洞) flaw; weak point: (说话兜圈子) be tricky and evasive; play hide-and-seek:
(说话办事不直截了当) beat about the bush; speak or act in a roundabout way (说话尖刻) sharp-tongued; acrimonious (说话或背诵接不下去) pause in speaking or reciting (说话时带的某种情绪) tone (of speech); note: (说话时语音上的间歇) pause (in speaking):
(说话时鼻音特别重的人) a person who speaks with a twang (说话的气势) manner of speaking: (说话的能力) ability to speak (说话过头) go too far in what one says; put sth. too strongly; overstate (说谦虚的话) make modest remarks:
(说起话来就没完的人) a garrulous person; a chatterbox (请客人入座) invite guests to be seated (请教) ask advice; ask for sb.'s advice; seek sb.'s advice: (请求书, 请愿书) memorial; petition (诺言的实现) honour (a commitment, etc.); fulfill; make good (a promise); realize; make real:
(读懂; 读通) understand what one reads (读起来顺口) be suitable for reading aloud; make smooth reading: (诽谤) disparage; run sb. down: (谁) who: (调动转换; 变动工作) transfer to another work unit
(调唆) instigate; stir up (调查; 寻求) inquiry into; seek by inquiry [search]; try to get: (调皮, 顽皮) act up; make trouble; do mischief; mischief: (谄媚奉承; 奴颜卑膝; 低人一等) servile; cringing; obsequious; at sb.'s beck and call; take oneself down 3 or 4 pegs: (谄媚者) sycophant; toady
(谈笑) talk and laugh at (谈论过去事情的话) remarks about the old days (谈论) talk over; discuss: (谈话、写文章没有中心,离题甚远) straying far from the subject; rambling; discursive (谋取的不正当利益) easy gains; spoils:
(谦称自己的别名) my humble style (name) (谦词): (豆腐乳) fermented bean curd (豆薯) yam bean (豪迈,不拘束) bold and generous; unconstrained
(豪迈, 不拘束) bold and generous; unconstrained (豪迈, 不拘束) untrammelled by convention; casual; unconventional (负伤) be wounded in action: (负担) millstone round one's neck; load; weight; encumbrance; burden: (负编缉工作的主要责任) supervise the publication of (a newspaper, magazine, etc.); edit:
(负责修理) be responsible for the repair [overhaul] (of a machine): (负责指挥调度的人) dispatcher; controller (财主) moneybags (财政权利) financial power: (财物或权力的所有人) owner; proprietor; possessor:
(责任制) system of responsibility (责任重) very heavy; weighty: (责备) call sb. on the carpet; call [haul] over the coals; bring sb. to book: (贤惠) (of a woman) virtuous (货币回收) withdrawal (of currency) from circulation:
(货棚)外伸屋顶 overhanging roof; (质量) quality: (贩卖) engage in buying and selling (贪吃的人) voracious eater; glutton; gourmand (贪得无厌; 不知足) greedy; avaricious; insatiable; voracious
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