(精美) exquisite; tasteful; costly; sumptuous; elegant:
(精致的工艺品) fine work of art
(糕点) pastry
(糟蹋) spoil; waste:
(系统的技巧和手法) a series of skills and tricks in wushu, etc.
(紧密) compact; well-knit:
(紧张活动的短时休息) take a breather; take a short break:
(紧急时刻) a crucial moment:
(紧急需要) urgent need:
(紧接着) at once; right away:
(紧要环节) vital link:
(紧要的事) importance; consequence:
(累极) (feel as if) all one's limbs are out of joint
(累积得多) innumerable; countless:
(絮叨可厌) garrulous; loquacious
(繁复) verbose; wordy; be long-winded:
(繁盛) thriving; flourishing; prosperous
(繁茂) luxuriant
(繁重、费力) heavy (and arduous):
(繁重费力) strenuous; heavy:
(纠缠) importune; pester:
(纠缠) pester; worry; keep on at:
(红笔分录) red-ink entry
(红色和青色的颜料) (of colour) red and green
(红豆树的种子, 象征相思) love pea
(纤维束)扯平测长法 squaring
(约会) tryst
(纯正的) real; pure; typical:
(纯正) pure:
(纲纪废弛) breakdown of law and order
(纲要) essential
(纳凉) cool oneself; cool off:
(纷乱的社会) hardships or uncertainties in an unstable society:
(纸和笔) stationery
(纸币面额) denomination
(练习的作业) an exercise in composition, drawing, etc.
(组织) organized group; a set-up (organization):
(细致入微) exquisite; minute:
(织物)悬垂性试验仪 drapeometer
(终究) after all; in the final analysis:
(经典著作; 典籍) a body of classical writings; canon:
(经常生病的人) chronic invalid
(经济大权) economic rights; power over financial affairs:
(经济情况) one's financial condition at the moment
(经济状况) one's financial condition at the moment:
(经营私人商店的人) businessman; merchant; trader
(经过分割等所残余的国家一部分) rump
(经过简化的汉字) simplified Chinese characters
(经过许多人的手或许多地方) pass through many hands or places:
(结婚) wedding:
(结成团体, 互助合作) be gregarious
(结成姻亲) become related by marriage
(结束语) write the final line
(结束) bring to a close:
(结棉桃的枝) boll-bearing branch (of the cotton plant)
(结算后余下的货物) goods on hand; inventory
(结) knot; tache; tach; hasp:
(绕丝绕纱的器具) spindle
(绕道袭击) launch a surprise attack on the enemy by making a detour; attack the rear or flanks of
(绘图工具) architect's scale; engineer's scale
(绘画艺术) finger painting
(给予) show; give; express:
(给人思想, 性格上的影响) exert a favourable influence (on a person's character, etc.); mould:
(给人添麻烦) cause sb. trouble:
(给以得出某种有关推论的理由) infer
(给津贴) subsidize
(给父母或祖父母写信时用语) (in letters) address to one's parents
(给职工和技术定级) define the level or scale; determine an employee's or a cadre's rank and corresponding wage scale
(统治权) rule; domination:
(统辖率领) command
(继母) stepmother
(继续不停) incessantly; without end:
(继续)go on; continue:
(绳节) large knot
(缅怀过去) recall with nostalgia:
(编剧和导演的人) playwright-director (戏剧); choreographer-director (舞剧); scenarist-director; director (电影)
(编剧的人) playwright; (电影) screenwriter; scenarist
(编纂书籍) compile a book
(编辑用报道的新闻记录册) datebook
(编造; 制定) dish up; concoct; cook up:
(缘分) predestined relationship:
(缩手缩脚)lacking boldness; run scared; timid; niggling; be extremely mindful of one's steps; shrink from doing sth.
(缺乏自信心) lacking in self-confidence; diffident
(缺少) be short of
(缺少) lack; be short of
(缺点) shortcoming; defect; fault; mistake:
(罪恶、灾祸极大)heinous; monstrous
(美丽的春光) beautiful springtime
(美人) beautiful woman; beauty
(美化) touch up; prettify:
(美国政府中主管外交兼管部分内政的部门) the State Department
(美女) a beauty
(美好的容貌举止) charming appearance and behaviour
(美好的生活) good days; happy life:
(美好的青年时代) glorious youth
(美好) delightful
(美好) lovely (used in ancient writings to describe women)
(美好) lovely (used in ancient writings to describe women)
(美貌女子) beautiful woman; beauty
(群众会) mass meeting; mass rally; long ream
(翅膀) wing:
(翻腾; 移动) turn upside down; turn over and over
(翻腾) surge; cause to surge:
(翻腾) turn sth. over and over
(翻译所根据的原书) the original
(老婆) wife
(老实勤恳为人民服务者) a person who serves the people wholeheartedly
(老年人的咀嚼能力) the condition of an old person's teeth
(老年时的景况) life and circumstances in old age
(考虑) consider; plan:
(耍小聪明) play tricks:
(耍的手段) trick; move:
(耍花招) cheat; play tricks
(耍花招) play tricks; be up to one's tricks
(耐久) durable:
(耳坠) ear pendant; eardrop
(耻笑; 讥笑) laugh at; ridicule; howl; sneer at:
(耽误时间) loss of working time
(耽误) hold up
(职守) duty; charge
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