(油菜花) rape flower
(沾染) contract (a bad habit); fall into a bad habit of
(泄气) lose heart; be dejected; be discouraged:
(泛指一个组织中的基本成员) ordinary members of an organization
(泛指事物的变化) the course of events; events:
(泛指任何地方) wherever; anywhere:
(泛指任何处所) wherever; where:
(泛指响应某种征求) answer to calls; answer to requests; respond to a call for contributions:
(泛指大部队) large unit; corps; formation:
(泛指家长) head of a familly
(泛指容貌) looks; features
(泛指已婚的青年妇女) young married woman
(泛指已婚的青年妇女) young married woman
(泛指应酬) have social intercourses with; treat with courtesy; friendly intercourse; invitations back and forth
(泛指性质、状态) any kind of:
(泛指文章) writings
(泛指无用的人) good-for-nothing
(泛指时间) whenever; any time:
(泛指景色) scenery; view; scene
(泛指读书人) scholar; skilful writer; egghead; speech writer:
(泛指长江以南) south of the Yangtze River
(注意到) notice; note; be aware of:
(注意约束) be cautious (about what one says or does):
(注目而视, 含威逼之意) stare at sternly
(注视) gaze at; look long and steadily upon
(洋里洋气) outlandish ways
(洗油渍后的)圆圈斑痕 aureole;
(洗澡堂) public bathhouse; public baths
(洞穴) [口] cave
(活动范围) field of activity; scope of operation:
(活动) loose:
(活捉来的敌人) an enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information:
(活泼, 风趣) lively and delightful; witty:
(活活) while still alive:
(活跃; 有生气) lively; spirited; vigorous:
(派别) faction; sect
(流传的事情) hearsay; rumour; talk:
(流传的毒害) harmful effect; pernicious influence; baneful influence:
(流传迅速) spread fast; spread like wildfire
(流畅) easy and smooth:
(流行于四川省的一种曲艺) a type of ballad-singing popular in Sichuan Province
(流露) reveal; display:
(浅陋; 微薄) shallow and ignorant; superficial
(测环境因素影响的)生长仪 auxanograph;
(浓绿色) dark green
(浪漫的事) romantic affair
(浪费) waste; squander:
(浴池) big pool in a bathhouse
(海南省省会) Haikou
(海星纲海燕科动物) Asterina pectinifera
(涂层)丰满度 bulid; fullness;
(涂料)遮盖力计 cryptometer
(消息) information:
(消散失去) (of moisture, etc.) be lost; vaporize; dissipate; evaporate:
(消灭; 灭亡) exterminate; wipe out; mop up:
(消磨) while away (one's time)
(消耗精神) demand care [attention]; cause mental fatigue
(消防)水管车 hose car;
(消除; 排除) get rid of
(消除疲劳或不愉快的心情) remove the feeling of tiredness or get rid of unpleasantness
(淫秽的图画; 春画) pornography:
(淫秽) obscene; dirty; filthy
(深刻; 严重) deeply felt; bitter:
(深奥的道理或境界) profundity of thought or knowledge; profundities
(深奥) profound; abstruse; recondite:
(深远) faraway; distant; looming in the distance
(淳厚) pure and honest; simple and kind
(淹没) absorb; swallow up; engulf:
(添麻烦) add trouble to:
(清凉) cool; chilly
(清官; 常指旧中国能秉公行事的执法官) virtuous official
(清晰) clear; plain; intelligibility:
(清朗而有寒意) cold and clear:
(清末新军军衔) battalion commander; captain of a man-of-war (统辖一营的长官或舰长)
(清末督掌兵权的人, 属员称之谓大帅) generalissimo
(清楚响亮) clear; ringing; clear and resounding:
(清点存货) make an inventory of stock on hand; take stock
(清理滚筒用)星形铁 mill star;
(清算) square [settle; balance] accounts with sb.; get even with sb.:
(渐渐地) gradually
(渐渐消失) faint; dim; hazy:
(温柔体贴) affectionate; kind; gentle; tender:
(温酒时盛水的金属器具) hot water container for warming wine
(温顺而柔弱的人) lamb
(游泳比赛) swimming race
(游览山水名胜) visit famous mountains, places of interest, etc.
(满一个月的时候) time for monthly payment
(满意; 高兴) pleased; happy:
(漂亮而有精神)bright and beautiful; radiant and vivacious:
(漂亮话) fine words
(漏完) leak out:
(漏洞) flaw; hole; loophole
(演出拿手好戏) put on a good performance
(演员的舞蹈化动作) posture
(漫步) stroll; saunter; take a leisurely walk:
(潜水艇)悬浮高度 hoverheight;
(潜水艇)隐蔽航行 creeping;
(潦倒失意) be in dire straits; be down and out
(潦倒失意) in dire straits; down and out
(潮流) trend:
(激动人心) stirring
(激励使振作起来) encourage; urge
(激怒的样子) furious
(火箭或导弹的) bus
(火网) network of fire
(火车司机) engine driver (也作“大阵”)
(火车站的) booking-office clerk
(火锅) chafing dish
(灭亡; 毁灭) go to hell:
(灯火) lights
(灵活敏捷) clever and nimble:
(灾难) extreme misery:
(炒熟的面粉) parched flour
(炒的菜) a fried dish; hot dish
(炕沿) the edge of a kang
(炫耀) show off; make a display (of one's authority or ability)
(点油灯) light an oil lamp
(点火) light a fire
(炼丹人) alchemist
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