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词汇 高低
释义 高低高低[gāo dī]1. (高低的程度) height:山崖的高低the height of a cliff;声调的高低the pitch of a voice2. (高下) relative superiority or inferiority; difference in degree:难分高低hard to tell which is better;争个高低vie with each other to see who is better3. (深浅轻重) sense of propriety; appropriateness; discretion:不知高低not know what's proper; have no sense of propriety;说话不知高低make inappropriate remarks4. [方] (无论如何) on any account; just; simply:不管大家怎么劝说,他高低不听。No matter how hard everyone tried to persuade him, he just wouldn't listen.5. [方] (到底; 终究) at (long) last:经过几天的苦战,高低把涵洞修好了。After days of hard work, the culvert was at last completed.
常用词组1.高低壁式分批 high-low walled batch drier;2.高低法 high-low technique;3.高低分划 {军} range scale;4.高低归算系统 {地测} rise and fall system;5.高低湖 {海} higher low water;6.高低量程转换开关 high-low-range switch;7.高低偏差 vertical deviation;8.高低偏压校验 high-low bias check;9.高低射标技术 bracketing technique;10.高低水准器 longitudinal level




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