词汇 | hand |
释义 | handhand[hænd]n.1.■手; (兽的)前脚2.■(钟表等的)指针; (工具等的)把, 柄, 臂, 摇杆3.■手状物; (烟叶的)一束; (枪托的)手腕部4.■人手, 雇员(指工人, 船员等)5.■手艺人, 技工6.■[pl. ] 握有; 管理; 控制; 有权力7.■支援, 帮助; 参加; 插手, 干预8.■手段, 技巧, 方法9.■书法, 字迹, 签名10.■面, 边11.■答允; 婚约, 求婚12.■手中的牌; 打牌人; 牌戏的一盘13.■一掌之宽14.■(织物, 皮革等的)手感15.■[口]鼓掌喝采16.■[与序数词连用, 表示事物的来源, 指经过...个人的手]第...手, 传递17.■方面, 侧方a light hand熟练的手艺a master hand高超的技术the upper hand优势extra hands临时工, 短工odd hand做短工的人a legible hand清楚的字迹, 工整的书法at the left hand左边material at first hand第一手资料He is desirous of her hand in marriage.他渴望娶她为妻。 词性变化handvt.1.■交给; 传 递2.■扶持, 搀扶3.■【航海】收卷(风帆)The boy handed his mother out of the bus.男孩扶着母亲下了公共汽车。handadj.1.■手的; 手用的; 手制的, 手推的, 手控的; 人工的 继承用法handarmn.1.■手枪handbag[ˈhændbæɡ]n.1.■(女用)手提包2.■旅行包handball[ˈhændbɔ:l]n.1.■手球, 手球游戏; 手触球犯规hand-barrown.1.■两边有手柄的抬物架2.■手推车handbell[ˈhændbel]n.1.■【音】手摇铃handbill[ˈhændbɪl]n.1.■传单handblown[ˈhændˈbləʊn]adj.1.■(指玻璃器皿)吹制的hand-breadthn.1.■掌幅, 一手之宽(2至4英寸)hand-builtn.1.■手制handcrankn.1.■手摇曲柄hand-feedvt.1.■用手喂handgunn.1.■手枪handholdvt.1.■把握; 紧握 词性变化handn.1.■手柄; 旋钮; 栏杆hand-jackn.1.■手摇起重器hand-killvt.1.■手工屠宰hand-knittedadj.1.■手编的hand-lettern.1.■手(工压)印字母handleveln.1.■【测】手持水平仪handlinen.1.■手钓丝handloadvt.1.■用手装填弹药hand-loadedadj.1.■手工上料的, 人工加载的handloom[ˈhændlu:m]n.1.■手织机handmade[hændˈmeɪd]adj.1.■手工的hand-me-downn.1.■[口]现成的衣服, 旧衣物adj.1.■现成的, 用旧的hand-off[ˈhændɔf]n.1.■【体】后卫传球组织进攻, 手递手传球handpick[ˈhændpɪk]n.1.■手镐vt.1.■用手选出, 精选handpicked[ˈhændˈpɪkt]adj.1.■精选的handpostn.1.■路标hand-pressn.1.■手压机, 手摇印刷机handprint[ˈhændprɪnt]n.1.■手纹, 手印hand-pollinatevt.1.■人工授粉hand-rearedadj.1.■一手养大的hand-receivern.1.■手持受话器hand-rollern.1.■人力压辊hand-running[ˈhændˈrʌnɪŋ]adv.1.■[方, 口]持续不断地handsawn.1.■小手锯hand-screenn.1.■(团扇的)扇面hands-down[ˈhændzˈdaʊn]adj.1.■垂手可得的, 轻而易举的; 无疑的handsewnadj.1.■手工缝制的hand-shakern.1.■善于打交道的人hand-sortvt.1.■手拣, 用手分类hand-tightadj.1.■【航海】用手尽量使劲拉紧的hand-to-handadj.1.■逼近的2.■一个一个传过去的hand-workn.1.■精细工艺handwoven[ˈhændˌwəʊvən]adj.1.■手织的hand-wroughtadj.1.■手工制成的handless[ˈhændlis]adj.1.■无手的2.■手笨拙的 习惯用语a bad hand at1.■不善于...; 对(某事)不熟练, 不内行not much of a hand at1.■不善于...; 对(某事)不熟练, 不内行a big hand1.■[口]热烈鼓掌(通常与动词get, give连用)a good hand1.■[口]热烈鼓掌(通常与动词get, give连用)A clean hand wants no washing.1.■[谚]清白的人无需为自己洗刷。A cold hand and a warm heart.1.■[谚]手冷心肠热。a cool hand1.■大胆而厚脸皮的人a crack hand at1.■行家a good hand at1.■行家a great hand at1.■行家a dab hand at1.■[口]某项体育的健将; 做某事的能手a dab at1.■[口]某项体育的健将; 做某事的能手a dead hand1.■【律】没有让渡权的所有主a free hand1.■放手处理的权力a fresh hand1.■生手a green hand1.■生手a good hand at1.■巧[拙]于a poor hand at1.■巧[拙]于a hand1.■掌声, 鼓掌2.■一臂之力, 帮忙3.■(插)一手, 参与a nap hand1.■一手好牌, 有利的地位a numb hand1.■笨人all hands1.■全体船员2.■[口]大伙儿all hands to the pumps1.■【航海】全体船员参加抽水; 人人出力人人参加(斗争等)An empty handis no lure for a hawk.1.■[谚]舍不得家财换不来外财。A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.1.■得到手的才靠得住。an old hand (at)1.■老手, 内行an old Parliamentary hand1.■精通议会事务的人as flat as one's hand1.■很平很平的ask for a lady's hand1.■向某女子求婚at hand1.■在手边, 在附近;即将到来, 即将发生at any hand (=of all hands)1.■在任何情况下, 无论如何in any hand (=of all hands)1.■在任何情况下, 无论如何at first hand1.■第一手地, 直接地at no hand1.■无论如何也不, 决不at second hand1.■第二手的; 间接的2.■旧的, 用过的at sb.'s hands1.■从某人手里2.■在某人手下bathe one's hands in blood1.■双手染着鲜血, 成为杀人犯dip one's hands in blood1.■双手染着鲜血, 成为杀人犯be even hands with sb.1.■向某人报复, 同某人算账bear a hand in1.■帮忙, 参加give a hand in1.■帮忙, 参加lend a hand in1.■帮忙, 参加bind hand and foot1.■紧缚手脚; 使完全没有活动余地bite the hand that feeds one1.■忘恩负义, 以怨报德Black Hand1.■黑手党; 从事诈骗恐吓等活动的秘密团体bring (a baby) up by hand1.■用人工(如牛奶)喂养, 养大by hand1.■用手的, 手工的, 用手递交的by the hands of1.■经...的手, 借助于, 依靠by the left hand1.■门第不相称的夫妇所生的2.■私生的by a strong hand1.■强制地by the strong hand1.■强制地with a strong hand1.■强制地with the strong hand1.■强制地by the same hand1.■(笔迹, 绘画等)出于同一手笔call one's own hand1.■摊牌, 摆计划, 表态declare one's own hand1.■摊牌, 摆计划, 表态play one's own hand1.■摊牌, 摆计划, 表态show one's own hand1.■摊牌, 摆计划, 表态call sb.'s hand1.■要求某人摊牌; 要求某人表态; 挫 败某人的阴谋carry it with a high hand (=take the high hand)1.■采取高压手段; 专横, 盛气凌人carry things with a high hand (=take the high hand)1.■采取高压手段; 专横, 盛气凌人change hands1.■(财产等)转换所有者, 易手chuck one's hand in1.■拒绝[停止]做某事clean hands1.■(通常作come out with clean hands, have clean hands)洁身自好; 清白无辜close at hand1.■在手边; 在附近; 即将到来, 迫近come to hands1.■到手, 收到(指书信)come to one's hands1.■到手, 收到(指书信)come the heavy hand (with)1.■强加于, 强迫...做某事cold hand1.■精明鬼; 百无禁忌的家伙; 厚脸皮的人cross sb.'s hand1.■预先付相金给看手相的人2.■贿赂die by one's own hand1.■自杀dirty one's hands1.■干不体面的事, 败坏名誉foul one's hands1.■干不体面的事, 败坏名誉soil one's hands1.■干不体面的事, 败坏名誉do a hand's turn1.■帮一点忙do not lift a hand1.■不努力, 不动手试一下; 懒eat out of sb.'s hand1.■完全顺从某人, 唯某人之命是从feed out of sb.'s hand1.■完全顺从某人, 唯某人之命是从fall into sb.'s hands1.■落到某人手里get into sb.'s hands1.■落到某人手里fight hand to hand1.■交手战, 肉搏fight for one's own hand1.■争夺私利fold one's hands1.■叉着手, 袖手旁观for one's own hand1.■为了个人的利益force sb.'s hand1.■(在作好准备前)强迫某人行动[表态]from hand to hand1.■转手, 传递from hand to mouth1.■现挣现吃, 刚够糊口gain the upper hand of1.■占优势, 占上风get the upper hand of1.■占优势, 占上风have the upper hand of1.■占优势, 占上风get a big hand1.■[口]受到热烈鼓掌get a good hand1.■[口]受到热烈鼓掌get a good hand1.■拿到一手好牌; 占上风; 取得优势; 有成功的可能have a good hand1.■拿到一手好牌; 占上风; 取得优势; 有成功的可能get hand1.■得手, 得势get into the right hands1.■落到适当[不妥当]人手里get into the wrong hands1.■落到适当[不妥当]人手里get one's hands in1.■开始熟练(某项工作); 做熟2.■插手get one's hands on1.■弄到..., 获得...2.■抓到...3.■揍..., 打...get oneself in hand1.■控制[掌握]自己get sb. under hand1.■制服某人get sth. off one's hands1.■摆脱某事; 卸除某事的责任get the hands1.■[美口]博得热烈的掌声get the whip hand1.■占上风; 处于支配地位have the whip hand1.■占上风; 处于支配地位give a helping hand1.■伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力lend a helping hand1.■伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力stretch out a helping hand1.■伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力give one's hand on1.■对某事提出保证give one's hand upon1.■对某事提出保证give one's last hand to1.■对...做最后的润色give the last hand to1.■对...做最后的润色put one's last hand to1.■对...做最后的润色put the last hand to1.■对...做最后的润色give sb. a free hand1.■让某人自由行动[全权处理]give (sb.) a hand1.■[口]给予(某人)帮助lend (sb.) a hand1.■[口]给予(某人)帮助give sb. one's hand1.■伸手与某人握手2.■(=give one's hand to sb.)(女子)答应和某人结婚give sb. a glad hand1.■[俚]友善地握手; 热烈欢迎give sb. the glad hand1.■[俚]友善地握手; 热烈欢迎given under my hand and seal1.■经我本人签名盖章go hand in hand with1.■与...共同行动; 与...相配合; 与...一致; 与...结合在一起go through sb.'s hands1.■由某人经手grease sb.'s hand1.■向某人行贿, 买通; 给某人小费grease sb.'s fist1.■向某人行贿, 买通; 给某人小费hang heavily on one's hands1.■(时间)过得缓慢而沉闷无聊have a free hand1.■不受约束, 可以自由行动[全权处理]have a good hand1.■有一手好牌; 占上风; 有成功的可能have a hand in1.■干予, 参与, 插手take a hand in1.■干予, 参与, 插手have a hand like a foot1.■笨手笨脚have long hands1.■很有势力have on one's hand1.■手头拥有; 肩负着have (sb.) in hand1.■掌握, 支配(某人)hold (sb.) in hand1.■掌握, 支配(某人)keep (sb.) in hand1.■掌握, 支配(某人)have one's hands free1.■空着手, 无事干2.■可以自由行动have one's hands full1.■很忙; 碰到许多困难have one's hands tied1.■被束缚, 被牵制have sth. well in hand1.■完全控制了某事[某人]have sb. well in hand1.■完全控制了某事[某人]have the betterhand1.■占优势, 占上风have the whip hand of sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人get the whip hand of sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人hold the whip hand of sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人have the whip hand over sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人get the whip hand over sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人hold the whip hand over sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人heavy on hand1.■(马等)难驾驭; (人)难应付; 沉闷; 头脑迟钝的, 行动迟缓的; 枯燥无味的heavy in hand1.■(马等)难驾驭; (人)难应付; 沉闷; 头脑迟钝的, 行动迟缓的; 枯燥无味的hold in hand1.■掌握, 控制hold hands1.■手搀手hold one's hand1.■住手; 手下留情hold sb.'s hand1.■握住某人的手; 帮某人克服困难; 给某人以指导[支持]hold up one's hands1.■举手(投降), 认输, 屈服; 举手表示赞成[能回答问题]in hand1.■在手头, 现有, 在进行中; 在考虑中; 在掌 握中; 在控制中; 承担下来的, 负责办理的in bad hands1.■在不中用[可靠]的人手里in good hands1.■在不中用[可靠]的人手里in safe hands1.■在不中用[可靠]的人手里in the hands of1.■在...掌握中; 交托给; 由...处理[负责]; 被...控制in the turn of a hand1.■即刻, 转眼之间in the turning of a hand1.■即刻, 转眼之间iron hand in the velvet glove1.■外宽内严; 外柔内刚iron fist in the velvet glove1.■外宽内严; 外柔内刚join hands (with)1.■同...携手, 联合2.■同...合伙开店3.■同...结婚keep one's hands off1.■不要管, 不要碰keep a slack hand1.■放松缰绳; 漫不经心地管理keep a tight hand on sb.1.■紧紧掌握; 控制; 管理; 保留(以备将来之用)keep one's hand in1.■不断练习, 使技能不荒废; 继续保持对...的控制have one's hand in1.■不断练习, 使技能不荒废; 继续保持对...的控制keep one's hand1.■牢牢地控制着keep a firm hand1.■牢牢地控制着keep one's hands in one's pockets1.■游手好闲; 偷懒kiss hands1.■吻君王的手(一种礼仪)kiss the hand1.■吻君王的手(一种礼仪)kiss one's hand to1.■向...飞吻lay hands on1.■得到, 找到2.■抓住(以便惩罚)3.■对...使用暴力; 伤害lay hands on the ark1.■亵渎圣物; 冒渎神圣lay hands touch the ark1.■亵渎圣物; 冒渎神圣lay violent hands on1.■对...使用暴力, 对...行凶2.■下毒手, 杀害lay (violent) hand on oneself1.■自杀lay hands on sb.1.■袭击某人; 对...行按手礼lay hands upon sb.1.■袭击某人; 对...行按手礼lie on sb.'s hand1.■(商品)在某人手中未脱手; (物件)在某人手中未用掉2.■(时间)使人感到无聊lie on sb.'s hands1.■(商品)在某人手中未脱手; (物件)在某人手中未用掉2.■(时间)使人感到无聊lift a hand1.■[用于否定句]费举手之劳(去做某事)lift one's hand against1.■动手打(人)raise one's hand against1.■动手打(人)lift one's hand1.■举手宣誓light in hand1.■容易驾驭的(指马); 容易对付的; 易处的(指人)live by one's hands1.■靠体力劳动过活live from hand to mouth1.■挣一天吃一天; 仅能糊口lock one's hands1.■搭扣; 搭钩lone hand1.■单枪匹马干事业的人; 独立采取行动 的 人lose the upper hand1.■失去优势make hand at1.■参加; 参与take hand at1.■参加; 参与Make no hand of sth.1.■不能说明[解释]Many hands make light work.1.■[谚]人多好办事。marry with the left hand1.■贵族男子和非贵族女子结婚; 和身分低的女人结婚near at hand1.■在手边, 在附近2.■即将到来, 迫近not much of a hand at1.■对某事不熟练, 无经验; 不内行not let one's left hand know one's right hand does1.■不要宣扬自己的善行Nothing is stolen without hands.1.■[谚]无贼不失窃。off hand1.■马上, 立即, 事先无准备地; 即席的; 现凑的; 随随便 便的off sb.'s hands1.■脱手, 卸脱责任offer one's hand1.■伸出手来(准备握手)2.■向女子求婚offer sb. the right hand of fellowship1.■同某人结交2.■同意某人入伙give sb. the right hand of fellowship1.■同某人结交2.■同意某人入伙oil sb.'s hand1.■向某人行贿oil sb.'s fist1.■向某人行贿old China hand1.■(资本主义国家的所谓)中国通on all hands (at every hand)1.■到处; 四面八方; 从各方面; 一致地, 普遍地on all hands (on every hand)1.■到处; 四面八方; 从各方面; 一致地, 普遍地on either hand1.■在两边on hand1.■在手头, 在手边; 现有2.■即将到来, 即将发生; [美]在场, 到场on one's hands1.■由...照管; 由...负责on sb.'s hands1.■由...照管; 由...负责on the advancing1.■在进步中on the growing1.■在进步中on the thriving1.■在进步中on the bow hand1.■离目标太远, 离题太远on the mending hand1.■在好转中on one hand ... on the other1.■(hand)一方面..., 另一方面the one hand ... on the other1.■(hand)一方面..., 另一方面on the other hand1.■另一方面; 但是One hand washes another1.■[谚]有来有往; 互相利用。One hand washes the other1.■[谚]有来有往; 互相利用。(one's) hand be up1.■举手(招呼或请求发言)one's hand is on1.■熟练起来, 做熟one's hand is out1.■荒疏太久了; 手生了one's hands are full1.■忙得不可开交; 碰到许多困难out of hand1.■无法控制; 不受约束(常与动词be及get 连用)2.■脱手; 完结, 告 终3.■立刻, 马上; 临时, 没有准备地out of sb.'s hands1.■不再由某人负责2.■非某人所能控制overplay one's hand1.■(纸牌游戏中)由于过高估计手中的牌而输牌2.■过高地估计自己的力量; 过于冒险pass into sb.'s hands1.■转到某人手中play a lone hand (=play one's hand alone)1.■单枪匹马地干play for one's own hand1.■完全替自己打算play into sb.'s hands1.■授人以可乘之机; 因失算而使某人得利play one's hand for all it is worth1.■充分利用现有时机; 尽最大努力play one's hand for all there's in it1.■利用一切手段达到目的play one's hand openly1.■公开自己的意图[计划]pump sb.'s hand1.■和某人热烈握手put forth one's hands against1.■对...动武; 对...行凶stretch forth one's hands against1.■对...动武; 对...行凶put in hand1.■开始, 着手put into sb.'s hands1.■把...交到某人手里; 把...托付给某人Put not your hand between the bark and the tree.1.■[谚]莫管他人的家务事。put one's hand in a hornet's nest1.■捅马蜂窝; 犯众怒成为众矢之的put one's hand in hornets5 nest1.■捅马蜂窝; 犯众怒成为众矢之的put one's hand into a hornet's nest1.■捅马蜂窝; 犯众怒成为众矢之的put one's hand into hornets5 nest1.■捅马蜂窝; 犯众怒成为众矢之的put one's hand in one's pocket1.■付款; 出钱; 慷慨解囊put one's hand on1.■触, 摸2.■找到put one's hand on one's heart1.■作出庄严保证[声明]put one's hand to1.■动手干; 着手去做(某事)set one's hand to1.■动手干; 着手去做(某事)put one's hand to the plough1.■着手工作; 开始过某种生活put one's hand up1.■举手(表示同意或要求发言, 发问、回答等); 举起手来(表示投降)put oneself in sb.'s hands1.■将自己交给某人; 听凭某人处理put oneself into sb.'s hands1.■将自己交给某人; 听凭某人处理Put your hand no further than your sleeve will reach1.■[谚]量入为出。Put your arm no further than your sleeve will reach1.■[谚]量入为出。raise one's hands against1.■准备对...动武; 威胁read sb.'s hand1.■为某人看手相read sb.'s palm1.■为某人看手相ready to (one's) hand1.■在手边; 伸手可取right hand1.■右手; 有力的手; 欢迎[友谊]之手; 上座, 荣誉席位, 优先地位; 得力助手; 亲信right hand of fellowship1.■【宗】(在教会仪式上)互握右手表示教会的伙伴关系2.■同意某人入伙的表示rule with a heavy hand1.■实行专制统治; 用高压手段统治rule with a high hand1.■实行专制统治; 用高压手段统治send sth. by hand1.■托人把某物带去; 派人把某物送去shake hands1.■相互握手; 和某事物告别, 离开某事物shake hands with oneself1.■庆贺自己short of hands1.■缺少人手shorten the hand of sb.1.■限制某人的权力shorten the arm of sb.1.■限制某人的权力show of hands1.■举手表决show one's hand1.■亮牌; 公开自己的真正意图tip one's hand1.■亮牌; 公开自己的真正意图sit on one's hands1.■不鼓掌; 不表示赞成2.■按兵不动slip from sb.'s hand1.■[hands, grasp] 从某人手中逃脱slip out of sb.'s hand1.■[hands, grasp] 从某人手中逃脱slip sth. into sb.'s hand1.■悄悄把某物塞到某人手里stand one's hand1.■[口]请大家喝酒, 替大家付酒钱stay one's hand1.■住手; 放弃不做stay sb.'s hand1.■使某人住手; 阻止某人去做steady hand1.■不颤抖的手; 坚定的领导; 果断的手腕stick your hands up (=stick'em up)1.■[口](匪徒威胁用语)把手举起来strengthen sb.'s hands1.■[hand] 加强某人的地位; 支持某人的论点; 鼓舞某人采取强有力的行动strike hands1.■达成协议, 成交take a hand in1.■参与, 介入take a hand of1.■参与, 介入take gifts with both hands1.■从利害相反的双方受贿money with both hands1.■从利害相反的双方受贿take in hand1.■承担, 控制2.■处理, 照料3.■尝试take... off sb.'s hands1.■[口]使某人摆脱对...的责任或负担take oneself in hand1.■控制自己take the high hand1.■采取专横手段the hidden hand1.■看不见的势力; 幕后操纵者the upper hand1.■优势, 上风, 有利地位(通常与动词gain, get, have连用)throw in one's hand1.■认输; 退出竞争; 放弃尝试throw on sb.'s hands1.■把...推给某人去管throw upon sb.'s hands1.■把...推给某人去管throw up one's hands1.■举起手来; 投降, 认输; 撒手不干tie one's hands1.■束缚某人的手脚; 使某人束手无策tie sb.'s hands1.■束缚某人的手脚; 使某人束手无策tie up one's hands1.■束缚某人的手脚; 使某人束手无策tie up sb.'s hands1.■束缚某人的手脚; 使某人束手无策tip one's hand1.■(无意中)暴露自己的意图[计划]to hand1.■在手边2.■收到3.■被征服; 受控制; 有人照管(与get连用)turn one's hand to1.■着手去做某事put one's hand to1.■着手去做某事under hand1.■受到控制2.■暗中, 私下under one's hand (and seal)1.■经本人亲笔签名盖章wash one's hands1.■(of)洗手不干; 不再负责; 完全退出2.■把手搓来搓去3.■[婉]解手, 上厕所wash one's hands with invisible soap (and imperceptible water)1.■搓手(尤指紧张、拘束或不好意思时)whip hand1.■拿鞭子的手2.■优势; 支配地位win hands down1.■毫不费劲地跑赢(赛马)2.■很容易地获得胜利win sb.'s hand1.■获得某女子同意结婚with a bold hand1.■大胆地; 蛮横地with a firm hand1.■坚决地with a heavy hand1.■残酷地; 严厉地; 暴虐地; 专制地2.■笨拙地; 粗枝大叶(地)with a high hand1.■傲慢地, 专横地(通常为carry it 或carry things with a high hand)with a sparing hand1.■节约地; 吝惜地with a strong hand1.■以强硬手段with a strong arm1.■以强硬手段with the strong hand1.■以强硬手段with the strong arm1.■以强硬手段with an iron hand1.■以铁的手腕, 严苛地with an open hand1.■慷慨地with both hands1.■全力以赴地with clean hands1.■廉洁地wring one's hands1.■使劲绞扭自己的双手(因悲哀、绝望等)wring sb.'s hand1.■紧握某人的手write a good hand1.■写一手好字hand and foot1.■完完全全地2.■无微不至地hand and thigh1.■[废]【律】死后没有儿子, 由女儿继承的产业hand back1.■归还hand down (to)1.■把(东西)往下递2.■传给(后代)3.■发给下级4.■【律】判(刑)5.■(大人穿过的衣服)传给(小孩穿)hand in1.■交; 提交(辞职申请书)hand in glove (=hand-in-glove)1.■关系密切; 互相勾结hand and glove (=hand-in-glove)1.■关系密切; 互相勾结hand in hand1.■手拉手地; 联合地; 形影不离地2.■(hand-in-hand)联合的; 形影不离的hand into1.■扶...进去; 扶...上(车)hand it out1.■[口]痛打; 严惩hand the punishment out1.■[口]痛打; 严惩hand it to sb.1.■[美、口]承认[佩服]某人的长处[优势]; 向某人致敬hand of God1.■天灾hand of writ1.■手迹, 笔迹; 书法2.■书法家hand of write1.■手迹, 笔迹; 书法2.■书法家hand on1.■依次传递2.■传给后代hand out1.■[口]交出; 分发2.■把...扶下(车)hand over1.■交出; 移交hand over fist (= hand over hand)1.■左右手交替着(如爬绳、游泳等); 迅速地; 大量地(指金钱)hand over head1.■[古]轻率地; 冒冒失失hand round1.■传递[阅]; 分发hand around1.■传递[阅]; 分发hand to fist1.■[口]亲密地hand to hand1.■逼近地; 短兵相接地2.■[常作hand-to-hand]短兵相接的; 肉搏的hand up1.■交给上级, 呈交2.■[俚]告密hands down1.■[口]轻而易举地2.■无疑地Hands off!1.■请勿动手!2.■不许干涉!Hands up!1.■举起手来! (表示投降或不抵抗) 特殊用法additional hour hand1.■附加时针[分针, 秒针]additional minuteur hand1.■附加时针[分针, 秒针]additional second hand1.■附加时针[分针, 秒针]alarm hand1.■闹针artistic hand1.■工艺美术bench hand1.■钳工bow hand1.■握弓手brighten hand1.■发光针; 夜明针central minute counter hand1.■中心计数分针central second hand1.■长秒针; 中心秒针chronograph hand1.■计时器针claw hand1.■【医】爪形手clock hand1.■钟针club hand1.■畸形手; 内外手counter hand1.■计数器指针cross hand1.■十字手date hand1.■日历针day hand1.■周历针dead hand1.■【律】(不能变卖的)永久管业;【医】死手deck hand1.■甲板人员dock hand1.■码头工人double spade hand1.■双锹形时针double swell hand1.■二段式指针drawing hand1.■拉弦手drill hand1.■钻工electric hand1.■电手(电磁真空变速装置的别环)engine hand1.■机舱人员factory hand1.■工厂工人farm hand1.■农场工人; 农业工人field hand1.■农业工人; 雇农; 长工fly hand1.■【刷】收纸叼纸牙foredeck hand1.■前甲板船员foundry hand1.■铸工; 翻砂工guild hand1.■行会手工业index hand1.■快慢针; 指示针indicating hand1.■指针insidehand1.■内舷手interruptionhand1.■中断处理程序(Adam Smith's)Invisible Hand1.■看不见的手 (亚当·斯密斯价值规律)lathe hand1.■车工, 旋工leading hand1.■班[组、队]长lower hand1.■(撑竿跳高)下手luminous skeleton minute hand1.■夜明轮廓分针magic hand1.■机械手; 人造手meat hand1.■不戴手套的手mechanical hand1.■机械手miller hand1.■铣工minute counter hand1.■分计数针; 分针month hand1.■月历针moon phase hand1.■月相指针motor-driven hand1.■马达驱动指针myoelectric hand1.■肌电手one hand1.■(双打开始时)一次发球权outside hand1.■靠边线或中线一侧的手; 外舷手pendant set hand1.■柄环拨针port hand1.■左舷portable antomatic hand1.■轻便 型遥控盒pressed cannon second hand1.■压针管秒针print hand1.■手写印刷体riveted cannon second hand1.■铆接空心秒针running hand1.■草书Scotch hands1.■轧辊式榨油机seasoned hand1.■老手; 得力人手small hand1.■小手工业者solid cannoned minute hand1.■整体空心分针spade radium hand1.■铲形[黑桃形]夜光针spare hand1.■替班工人split-second hand1.■双秒针stage hand1.■置景工step mechanical hand1.■步进机械手stone hand1.■【刷】拼版工人striking hand1.■基本姿势中放在后边的手string hand1.■拉弦手sweep second hand1.■长秒针swinging mechanical hand1.■回转式机械手sword hand1.■持剑手taper baton hand1.■锥形棒式针third hand1.■卷纸工; 第三手(装在重型底座上带有鳄牙夹的两个可调臂, 可象手一样持住小型机件, 辅助焊接用)time-zone hand1.■时区针upper hand1.■(撑竿跳高)上手upright line skeleton hand1.■直线式骨架针varnished skeleton hour hand1.■凸起(轮廓)时针watch hand1.■(手)表针whip hand1.■统治地位 |
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