词汇 | 预算 |
释义 | 预算预算[yù suàn]1.■budget:1991 年度预算the 1991 budget;提出预算submit the budget; introduce the budget;平衡预算balanced budget;控制在预算范围之内keep within its budget;制定明年的预算budget for the coming year;由于该协会的预算有限, 其活动受到限制。With a limited budget the society is handicapped in its operation.财政大臣的预算须由国会批准。The Chancellor's budget must be approved by Parliament. 常用词组1.■预算保证 budgetary support;2.■预算编制 budgeting; budget making;3.■预算编制程序 budgetary procedure;4.■预算编制原则 budget drafting principles;5.■预算拨款 budget allocations; budget allotments; budget appropriation;6.■预算拨款明细账 subsidiary appropriation ledger;7.■(国家)预算草案 draft (state) budget;8.■预算差异 variation from budget; budget variance;9.■预算程序 budget process;10.■预算赤字 budget deficit;11.■预算动态 budget dynamics;12.■预算法 budget act;13.■预算方案 budget program;14.■预算分类账 budget ledger;15.■预算告警制度 budget warning system;16.■预算管理 budget management;17.■预算管理体制 system of budget control;18.■预算基数 budget base;19.■预算简表 budget summary;20.■预算节余 budget surplus; budgetary saving;21.■预算经费 budgetary resourses;22.■预算决算制度 budget and financial statement system;23.■预算亏损 budget deficit;24.■预算年度 budget year;25.■预算平衡基金 budget equalization fund;26.■预算期间 budget period;27.■预算曲线 budget line;28.■预算实况 budgetary position;29.■预算收入 budgeted revenue;30.■预算收支平衡 budgeted revenue and expenditure in balance;31.■预算手段 budgetary means;32.■预算书 budget statement;33.■预算税额 estimated assessment;34.■预算委员会 budget committee;35.■预算系统 budgeting system;36.■预算限度 budget limitation;37.■预算项目 budget items;38.■预算需要 budgetary requirement;39.■预算一览表 budget calender;40.■预算盈余 budget surplus;41.■预算账户 budget accounts;42.■预算支出 budget outlays;43.■预算支出冲回 appropriation refund;44.■预算直接拨付资金 direct budgetary appropriations;45.■预算执行部门 budget executive;46.■(国家)预算执行情况 implementation of the (state) budget; (state ) budget has been in operation; budget performance; budget enforcement (state) budget is being carried out;47.■预算执行数 executed budget figures;48.■预算谘文 budget message;49.■预算总收入 total budgetary revenue |
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