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词汇 载重
释义 载重载重[zài zhòng]1.load; carrying capacity:这艘船载重多少?What's the carrying capacity of this ship?
常用词组1.载重把持法 load holding device;2.载重崩溃 load to collapse;3.载重表尺 deadweight scale;4.载重车 bogie;5.载重车辆 load-carrying vehicle;6.载重车轮胎 heavy duty tire;7.载重车箱 truck box;8.载重船 general cargo;9.载重吨(位) deadweight capacity; deadweight tonnage;10.载重拱 discharging arch; relieving arch;11.载重滑车架 load pulley block;12.载重机 weight carrier;13.载重计 load-gauge;14.载重降落伞 cargo parachute;15.载重链 load chain;16.载重量 dead weight capacity; load capacity;17.载重轮胎 high-capacity tyre; lorry tyre; truck tyre;18.载重能力 lifting capacity; loading capacity;19.载重平板车 heavy-duty bogie wagon;20.载重汽车 autotruck; motorlorry; straight job; truck; lorry; motor truck;camion;21.载重牵引车 prime-mover truck;22.载重时间挠曲线 load-time deflection curve;23.载重试验 loading test;24.载重调节器 weight-loaded governor;25.载重拖车 truck trailer; tandem;26.载重物 load




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