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词汇 转变
释义 转变转变[zhuǎn biàn]1.change; convert; transform; turn:转变立场change one's stand; shift one's ground;转变方向veer; twist; steer; turn; turn around; turn away; turn off;转变态度change one's attitude;转变职能change in functions;把一种能转变为另一种能transform one form of energy into another;从猿到人的转变the transition from ape to man;它使老的观念向新的观念转变。at makes the transition from the old conception to the new.
常用词组1.转变范围 transformation range; transition range;2.转变机构 transition mechanism;3.转变加速因子 convertion;4.转变酶 converting enzyme;5.转变能 transition energy;6.转变热 heat of transformation;7.转变热函 {物化} enthalpy of transition;8.转变位置 transition position;9.转变温度 transformation temperature; transition temperature; transus temperature;10.转变温度范围 transformation range;11.转变性别 transsexual;12.转变压力 transition pressure;13.转变阻力 steering resistance




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