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词汇 装运
释义 装运装运[zhuāng yùn]1.load and transport; ship; shipment; loading:分批装运partial shipment;新鲜水果的装运a fresh-fruit shipment;在装运中延误或遗失了be delayed or lost in shipment;我们得把货物分成3批装运。We have to make three loads of the cargo.
常用词组1.装运保险单 shipment policy;2.装运单 shipping order;3.装运单据 shipping bills; shipping documents;4.装运废石 mullocking;5.装运港 port of shipment;6.装运机 autoloader;7.装运夹板化 palletization;8.装运利益 shipping interests;9.装运目的地 point of destination;10.装运期 time of shipment;11.装运申请 application for shipment;12.装运申请书 shipment request;13.装运收现 cash on shipment;14.装运条件 terms of shipment;15.装运条款 shipping clause;16.装运通知 shipping advice; advice of shipment;17.装运通知单 shipping permit; shipping notice; shipping note;18.装运指示 shipper's letter of instruction; shipping instruction




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