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释义 [zào]1. (做; 制作) make; build; create; produce:创造create; bring about; produce;建造build; construct; make;造汽车make cars;造房子build a house;造预算make [draw up] a budget2. (假编) cook up; fabricate; concoct:捏造事实invent a story;编造谎言fabricate lies3. [书] (前往; 到) go to; arrive at:造访pay a visit to;造请go to invite;造府call at your house;登峰造极reach the peak of perfection; reach the limit4. (成就) achieve; attain:深造pursue advanced studies; achieve one's high aim5. (培养) train; educate:可造之才a person suitable for training; a promising [hopeful] young person1. (法院里专用于诉讼双方) one of the two parties in a legal agreement or a lawsuit:两造both parties;甲造one of the two parties2. [方] (农作物的收成或收成次数) crop:早造early crops;一年两造two crops a year3. (姓氏) a surname:造敏Zao Min




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