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词汇 过 2
释义 过(過)[guò]1. (通过; 经过) cross; pass:过河cross a river;过街时注意车辆。When crossing the street, look out for cars.他站到一边, 让我们过去。He stood aside for us to pass.野营部队要从咱们村过。The troops will be passing through our village on their camping trip.2. (度过) spend (time); pass (time):假期过得怎么样?How did you spend your holiday?开学以来两个星期已经过去了。Two weeks has passed since the new term began.她离开了一段时间, 在大连过夏天。She has been away, spending the summer in Dalian.我做梦也没想到我能过这样舒适幸福的晚年。I never dreamt that I would spend my old age in such comfort and happiness.3. (过去) after; past:过了好几个星期, 我们还没有得到他们的音信。Several weeks passed and we still heard nothing from them.过了夏至, 天就开始变短。The days get shorter after the Summer Solstice.我过两天再来。I'll come again in a couple of days.要过3天才知道结果。The result will come out three days later.4. (使经过某种处理) undergo a process; go through; go over:过过数儿count (them);过了筛子又过罗sifted again and again; carefully screened;先过秤weigh (it) first;我们把这篇稿子再过一遍。Let's go over the draft once again.5. (从甲方转移到乙方) shift; transfer:过户transfer ownership;过入总账post up a ledger6. (超过) exceed; go beyond; surpass:精力过人exceed others in energies;年过60over sixty (years old);日产过万吨。The output per day is over 10,000 tons.小心别坐过了站。Be sure you don't go past your station.雪深过膝。The snow is more than knee-deep.7. (用在动词后面, 表示趋向) across; past; through; over:跳过篱笆墙jump over a fence;走过树林walk past the wood;汽艇穿过激流, 绕过险滩。The motorboat cut across swift currents and skirted dangerous reefs.8. (用在动词后面, 跟“得”或“不”连用, 表示胜过或通过):他这个人信得过。He is a person one can trust.我说不过她。I can't outargue her.我们之中没有谁能跑得过他。None of us can run as fast as he can.9. (生活) live:那时候, 我们总是过着朝不保夕的生活。We always lived from hand to mouth in those days.我妈妈跟我们过。My mother lives with us.10. (庆祝) celebrate:过新年celebrate the New Year;过生日celebrate one's birthday; keep [observe] a birthday11. [书] (访; 探望) visit1.(过分; 太) too; excessively; unduly:过长too [unduly] long;过早too early; premature;操之过急act with undue haste;雨水过多excessive rainfall; too much rain1.(次; 遍; 回) time:米已经淘了三过儿了。The rice has been washed for three times.我又重新读了一过儿。I have read it once more2. [前缀] {化} {物} (分子结构中有-O-O-结构的; 超过限度的) per-; super-; over-:过冷却overcool;过氧化物peroxide 1.(过失) fault; mistake; demerit; error:勇于改过be bold in correcting one's mistakes;人皆有过。Every man hath [has] his faults.功大于过。One's merits outweigh one's short-comings.他已被记过三次。He already has three demerits on his record.另见 guō; guo。




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