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释义 [pèi]1. (两性结合) join in marriage:婚配marry2. (使动物交配) mate (animals):配马 [猪]mate horses [pigs]3. (按适当的标准或比例加以调和或凑在一起) compound; mix; blend:配颜色mix colours (on a palette);配药make up a prescription4. (有计划地分派) distribute according to plan; apportion:配售ration5. (补足; 配齐) find sth. to fit or replace sth. else:配成一套complete the set;配零件replace parts;配钥匙have a key made to fit a lock6. (衬托; 陪衬) match:粉红配浅蓝。Pink and light blue go well together.颜色不配。The colours don't match.这顶帽子正好配这件上衣。The hat is a match for the coat.这段唱腔要用笛子来配。This passage is to be sung to the accompaniment of a bamboo flute.7. (够得上; 符合; 相当) deserve; be worthy of; be qualified:他不配做一名教师。He is not qualified to be a teacher.这本书完全配得上他的声望。The book is well worthy of his reputation.这个工人几乎不配领取他那份工资。The labourer hardly [scarcely] deserves his wages1.(配偶) spouse:原配first wife




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