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词汇 齐 2
释义 齐(齊)[qí]1. (整齐) neat; even; uniform:把桌子摆齐arrange the tables in an orderly way;长短不齐not of uniform length;剪得很齐be evenly trimmed;整齐neat and tidy2. (同样; 一致)alike; similar:人心齐, 泰山移。When people work with one mind, they can even remove Mount Taishan.3. (完备; 全) all ready; all present:客人都来齐了。The guests are all present.一切准备齐了。Everything is ready.1.(达到同样高度)reach the height of; on a level with; be flush with; on the same plane with:河水齐岸。The river is flush with its banks.水深齐腰。The water comes up to my waist.; The water is waist-deep.1.(一块儿; 同时) together; simultaneously:男女老幼齐动手。Men and women, old and young, all pitched in.万炮齐发。All the batteries fired at once.1.(跟某一点或某一直线取齐) along:把玉米秆齐着根儿砍断cut the cornstalks right down to the roots;齐着边儿画线draw a line along the edge1. (周朝国名) Qi, a state in the Zhou Dynasty2. (南齐) the Southern Qi Dynasty (479-502), one of the Southern Dynasties3. (北齐) the Northern Qi Dynasty (550-577) one of the Northern Dynasties4. (姓氏) a surname:齐白石Qi Baishi另见 jì。




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