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词汇 进入
释义 进入进入[jìn rù]1.get into; enter; entry; entering; entrance; incoming; dipping; ingress; intro-:进入决赛阶段enter the finals;进入角色enter into the spirit of a character; live one's part;进入战斗go into action;进入阵地get into position;进入新阶段enter upon a new phase;她已进入了更年期。She has entered upon the change of life.10月1日他进入了首相任期的第二个年头。He entered on his second year of office as Premier on Oct. 1.部队已进入战备状态。The troops have entered into combat readiness.
常用词组1.进入壁垒 barrier to entry;2.进入船坞 docking;3.进入大气层 atmospheric entry;4.进入大气层模拟 atmospheric entry simulation;5.进入点 entry point;6.进入管 admission pipe; induction pipe; inlet pipe;7.进入轨道 injection;8.进入角 {机} entering angle;9.进入井 access silo;10.进入控制系统 metering-in control system;11.进入馈线 incoming feeder;12.进入劳动年龄人口 people entering the labor force;13.进入排斥 entry exclusion;14.进入市场 approaching market; access to markets;15.进入同步 coming into step; fall in; fall-into step;16.进入箱 admission chamber;17.进入消费领域 flow into the market places;18.进入信号 entering signal;19.进入血管 intravasation;20.进入者 incomer




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