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词汇 边界
释义 边界边界[biān jiè]1.boundary; frontier; border; borderline; edge range line; periphery:标定边界demarcate boundaries;划定边界delimit boundaries;驻守边界garrison the border;越过边界cross a boundary; cross the border
常用词组1.边界波 boundary wave;2.边界测量 boundary survey;3.边界冲突 border clash;4.边界储量 marginal reserve; marginal resource;5.边界处理 boundary treatment;6.边界磁耦合 magnetic bobundary coupling;7.边界地带 boundary strip;8.边界点 boundary point; frontier point;9.边界电流 bound current;10.边界断层 boundary fault;11.边界法则 boundary rule;12.边界概念分类 boundary concept classification;13.边界跟踪 boundary following;14.边界函数 boundary function;15.边界积分方程法 boundary integral equation method;16.边界角 boundary angle;17.边界节点 boundary node;18.边界井 offset well;19.边界矿柱 barrier pillar;20.边界面 boundary face; boundary plane; {流} boundary surface;21.边界膜 boundary film;22.边界摩擦 boundary friction;23.边界配制法 boundary collocattion;24.边界切应力 boundary shear;25.边界侵蚀面 boundary erosion surface;26.边界区 border zone;27.边界曲率法则 boundary curvature rule;28.边界曲线 boundary curve;29.边界热阻 thermal boundary resistance;30.边界润滑 boundary lubrication;31.边界润滑添加剂 boundary lubrication additive;32.边界散射 boundary scattering;33.边界实际控制线 line of actual control on the border;34.边界事件 border incident;35.边界条件 boundary condition; edge conditions; final conditions;36.边界条件系统 set of boundary conditions;37.边界调整 marginal adjustment;38.边界位错 bounding dislocation;39.边界问题 boundary problem;40.边界涡 bound vortex;41.边界现状 status quo on the border; status quo of the boundary;42.边界线 border side; boundary line;43.边界协定 boundary agreement;44.边界效应 border effect; {摄} boundary effect;45.边界油膜润滑 boundary-film lubrication;46.边界元 boundary element;47.边界元法 boundary element method;48.边界约束 boundary constraint;49.边界载荷 edge load;50.边界争端 border dispute; boundary dispute;51.边界争议地带 gore;52.边界值 boundary value;53.边界值问题 boundary-value problem;54.边界指点标 boundary marker;55.边界指示灯 boundary light;56.边界走向 alignment of the boundary line;57.边界钻井 offset drilling;58.边界最优常数控制 boundary optimal constant control




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