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释义 [sòng]1. (运送; 传送) deliver; carry:送报deliver newspaper;送医送药上门deliver medical care right to the patient's home;你自己把这些货物带走还是由我们送到你家里去?Will you take the goods with you or shall we deliver them to your house?请你把我的早饭送上来好吗?Will you send my breakfast up, please?这儿一天送几次信件?How often are letters delivered here?这管子是送水用的。The pipe carries water.2. (赠送) give as a present; give:姐姐送我一本书。My sister gave me a book.他给我送了回礼。He sent me a return present.他送她一件漂亮的礼物。He gave her a beautiful present.3. (伴送; 送别) see sb. off [out]; accompany; escort:把客人送到门口see a guest to the door; walk a guest to the gate;到车站送人see sb. off at the station;送孩子上学take a child to school; put a child to school;送她回家see her home;我送你一段路。Let me walk with you part of the way.




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