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词汇 重 2
释义 [zhòng]1.(重量; 分量) weight:加重increase weight;毛 [净]重gross [net] weight;你的体重多少?What is your weight?1.(重视) lay [place, put] stress on; place value upon; attach importance to:重友情highly value the friendship; set store by friendship;为人所重be regarded highly1. (重量大; 比重大) heavy; weighty:笨重的家具ponderous furniture;繁重的家务weighty housework2. (程度深) deep; serious:情意重deep affection;病势很重be seriously ill;3. (重要) important; momentous:重大决策a momentous decision;军事重地an important place for the military affairs4. (不轻率) discreet; prudent:慎重careful; cautious; prudent; circumspect;自重self-respect;老成持重experienced and prudent;脸色庄重a solemn look5. (优厚) considerable in amount or value:重赏a handsome reward; substantial reword;重金聘用pay a high price for engaging sb.; engage sb. at a high price1.(加重) heavily; severely:重责rebuke harshly; scold severely;重打flog heavily;重罚severely punish;重酬richly rewarded另见 chóng。




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