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释义 [líng]1. (零数) zero2. (数的空位) zero sign (0); nought:一百零五号No. 105 (number one-oh-five);零点零二五0.025 (point nought two-five)3. (表示没有数量;无) nil; nought:比赛结果是三比零。The result of the game was 3-0 [three-nil or three-nothing].一减一等于零。One minus one leaves nought [zero].我在这方面的知识几乎等于零。My knowledge of the subject is practically nil.4. (温度表上的零度) zero (on a thermometer):摄氏零上十度10 degrees above zero centigrade5. (小数目) with a little extra:年纪七十有零a little more than seventy years old;到会人数二百挂零儿。Two hundred odd were present at the meeting.6. (放在两个数量之间, 表示较大的量之下附有较小的量):两年零两天two years and two days;五元零三分five yuan and three fen1. (零碎; 零头) odd:零活odd jobs;找零钱give small change2. (部分) fractional; part:化整为零break up the whole into parts1.(枯萎而落下) wither and fall:飘零fade and fall; float about;凋零withered, fallen and scattered about1.(姓氏) a surname:零混Ling Hun




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