词汇 | 花 |
释义 | 花花[huā] 名1.■ (种子植物的有性繁殖器官) flower; blossom; bloom:雌[雄]花female [male] flower;开花come into bloom;两性花hermaphrodite flower;桃花peach blossom2.■ (可供观赏的植物) flower:浇花water flowers;种花cultivate [plant; grow] flowers;牡丹是艳丽的花。A peony is a showy flower.我不太喜欢花园里种植的花。I don't care much for garden flowers.3.■ (形状像花朵的东西) anything resembling a flower:灯花snuff;火花spark;浪花spray;雪花在空中飞舞。Snowflakes are dancing in the air.4.■ (烟火的一种) fireworks:放花let off fireworks5.■ (花纹) pattern; design:白地蓝花blue patterns on a white surface;她织的花儿真好看。The pattern she knitted is really beautiful.这被面的花儿很大方。The design on this quilt cover is quite elegant.6.■ (比喻事业的精华) flower:文艺之花flower of literature and art7.■ (指妓女或跟妓女有关的) prostitute; courtesan:烟花女prostitutes;烟花柳巷redlight district; the stews;寻花问柳spend one's time with prostitutes8.■ (棉花) cotton:废花waste cotton;轧花gin cotton9.■ (痘) smallpox:出花儿get smallpox;种花儿vaccinate10.■ (作战时受的外伤) wound:他在战斗中挂了花。He got wounded in action.11.■ (姓氏) a surname:花荣Hua Rong 形1.■ (颜色或种类错杂的) multicoloured; coloured; variegated:花蝴蝶variegated butterfly;花衣服bright-coloured clothes;小花狗spotted puppy;布染花了。The cloth is dyed unevenly.2.■ (眼睛模糊迷乱) blurred; dim:看书看得眼睛都花了read until the print looks blurred;老眼昏花dim-sighted from old age3.■ (用来迷惑人的; 不真实或不真诚的) fancy; florid; flowery; showy:你的字太花了。Your handwriting is too fancy.他又在耍花招了。He is up to his tricks again.要练好基本功, 别尽学花架子。You should spend time on basic training, not on those flourishes. 动1.■(用; 耗费) spend; expend:很花时间take a lot of time; be time-consuming;这项工程我们花了五年多时间。We spent over five years on this project.政府花了大量资金帮助改良这片土地。The government spent a lot of money to help make this land better. |
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