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词汇 落实
释义 落实落实[luò shí]1. (切合实际) practicable; workable:采取落实的措施adopt workable measures;生产计划要订得落实。Production plans must be practicable.
常用词组1. (确定) fix in advance; ascertain; make sure:交货时间还没有最后落实。The date of delivery hasn't been fixed yet.明天去收麦子的有多少人, 要落实一下。Make sure how many are going to bring in the wheat tomorrow.2. (实现) carry out; fulfill; implement; put into effect:层层落实implement at every level;条条落实, 全面落实all-round implementation of each and every one of them;认真落实党的政策earnestly implement the policies of the Party;落实职工代表大会决议implement the resolutions of the workers' congress3. [方] (安稳) feel at ease:心里总是不落实just can't set one's mind at ease




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