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词汇 螺旋
释义 螺旋螺旋[luó xuán]1. (具有螺纹的圆柱体, 属于斜面类的简单机械) corkscrew spin; screw; spiral; helix:螺旋式发展spiral development; developing in spirals2. (螺旋现象;尾旋) vrille; spiralism
常用词组1.螺旋凹槽辊 spiral-groover roll;2.螺旋摆动机构 screw swinging mechanism;3.螺旋拌合输送机 stirring screw conveyer;4.螺旋瓣 valvula spiralis; {脊椎} spiral valve;5.螺旋半径 radius of spin;6.螺旋泵 helicoidal pump; screw pump; spiral pump; volute pump;7.螺旋标度 spiral scale;8.螺旋拨料机 screw-type kickoff;9.螺旋波 helicon; helicon wave (等离子);10.螺旋不稳定性 corkscrew instability; helical instability; positive-column screw instability;11.螺旋测微计 screw-thread micrometer;12.螺旋测微镜 screw microscope;13.螺旋插齿刀 helical pinion cutter;14.螺旋缠绕 spiral winding;15.螺旋车钩 screw coupler;16.螺旋撑条 screw stay; screwed stay;17.螺旋承窝 screwed socket for union;18.螺旋齿条 helical rack;19.螺旋翅片 helical fin;20.螺旋冲压机 screw punch;21.螺旋冲压弹簧 spiral press working spring;22.螺旋触簧 whisker (接触);23.螺旋传动 hypoids;24.螺旋船 propeller; propellor;25.螺旋磁体 helimagnet;26.螺旋磁性 helimagnetism;27.螺旋刀片 screw blade;28.螺旋捣固机 spiral tamping machine;29.螺旋导管 spiral duct;30.螺旋道钉screw spike;31.螺旋灯丝 helical heater;32.螺旋灯座 Edison base;33.螺旋电路 helix circuit;34.螺旋定则 screw rule;35.螺旋动脉 helicine artery; arteriae helicinae;36.螺旋度 helicity;37.螺旋对称轴 {矿} screw axes;38.螺旋阀 screwed valve;39.螺旋(球)阀 screw valve;40.螺旋法则 corkscrew rule;41.螺旋方向 hand of spiral; direction of spiral;42.螺旋飞行 vrille (下降);43.螺旋分离器 spiral separator;44.螺旋分选器 spiral picker;45.螺旋风扇 helical fan;46.螺旋缝隙 spiral slit;47.螺旋副 screw pair;48.螺旋盖 screw lid;49.螺旋杆 screw rod; spiral stem (石油钻井的);50.螺旋杆[蜗轮式闸门]启闭机 screw capstan head;51.螺旋钢筋 spiral reinforcement; spiral hooping;52.螺旋钢筋柱 column with spiral hooping;53.螺旋沟 {解} spiral groove;54.螺旋共振器 {电磁} helical resonator;55.螺旋箍 spiral hoop;56.螺旋箍缩 helical pinch; screw pinch;57.螺旋规 helicograph;58.螺旋辊 {刷} propellers;59.螺旋辊子 embossing roller; engraved roller; wound roller;60.螺旋滚刀式切碎器 helical-knife cutterhead;61.螺旋滚柱轴承 flexible roller bearing; wound roller-type bearing;62.螺旋滚子 spiral roller;63.螺旋滚子轴承 spiral roller bearing;64.螺旋焊 spiral welding;65.螺旋焊管{设计} spiral welded pipe; helical-weld pipe;66.螺旋焊管机 spiral weld-pipe mill;67.螺旋焊接壳体 helically-welded case;68.螺旋虎钳 screw vice;69.螺旋花 twisted flower;70.螺旋花键槽拉刀 spiral spline broach;71.螺旋花键拉刀 {机} helical spline broach;72.螺旋花式线 serpentine;73.螺旋花线 {纺} spiral yarn;74.螺旋滑车 worm pulley block;75.螺旋环 screw collar; spiral ring;76.螺旋还原反应器 reduction screw;77.螺旋缓和曲线 spiral transition curve;78.螺旋回动装置 screw reverse gear;79.螺旋混合器 {机} ribbon mixer;80.螺旋畸变(磁聚焦摄像管或变像管的) spiral distortion;81.螺旋极点 focus;82.螺旋极迥旋加速器 spiral pole cyclotron;83.螺旋挤芯机 worm feeding core extrusion machine;84.螺旋挤压干燥器 screw extruding dryer;85.螺旋挤压机 extrusion worm presses; plodder; screw extruder; screw extrusion press;86.螺旋给矿机 single-spiral feeder;87.螺旋给料机 screw feeder;88.螺旋夹 pressure lug (连接导线用);89.螺旋夹钳 G-clamp;90.螺旋加料机 self-conveyor feed;91.螺旋加料器 auger;92.螺旋(自动)加煤机 screw stoker;93.螺旋加速器 helical accelerator;94.螺旋嚼子 pod bit;95.螺旋搅拌器 crutcher; spiral agitator; spiral stirrer;96.螺旋结构 helical-structure;97.螺旋截尖角 {设计} helical rake angle;98.螺旋进给 screwfeed;99.螺旋进料机 feed screw;100.螺旋卷曲转变 helix-coil transition;101.螺旋菌 sprillum; spirobacteria;102.螺旋卡尺 screw calner;103.螺旋卡盘 screw chuck;104.螺旋卡盘外壳 master chuck;105.螺旋开布辊 scroll opener;106.螺旋开槽铣刀 screw slotting cutter; screw slotting milling cutter;107.螺旋扣 turn-bucklet (松紧);108.螺旋阔面铣刀 spiral slab mill;109.螺旋拉刀 spiral broach;110.螺旋棱 scroll;111.螺旋冷却 spiral cooling;112.螺旋离心泵 helico-centrifugal pump;113.螺旋联管节 screwed pipe coupling;114.螺旋联结器 {设计} french coupling;115.螺旋联结箱 screw coupling box;116.螺旋联轴节 screw coupler; screw coupling;117.螺旋连接杆 {采矿} stirrup;118.螺旋链系 screw chain;119.螺旋量 face advance (针齿轮);120.螺旋溜槽 spiral chute;121.螺旋流动度试验 {工} spiral flow test;122.螺旋流动冷却 helical-flow cooling;123.螺旋流式涡轮 helical flow turbine; {机} tangential helical flow turbine;124.螺旋楼梯 vice; geometric stairs; spiral stairs;125.螺旋楼梯中柱 newel;126.螺旋滤波器 screw-filter;127.螺旋铆机 screw riveting machine;128.螺旋霉素 foromacidin; spiramycin; rovamycin; provamycin; selectomycin;129.螺旋迷宫密封 spiral labyrinth seal;130.螺旋密度波 helical density wave;131.螺旋密度不稳定性 helical density instability;132.螺旋(试验)模型 spin model;133.螺旋摩擦压力机 flying press; screw friction press;134.螺旋内酯固醇 aldactone; {医} spironolactone;135.螺旋粘滞密封 spiral viscoseal;136.螺旋盘轮 disk wheel;137.螺旋配筋 spiral reinforcement;138.螺旋喷流 spiral jet;139.螺旋喷卸管 auger spout;140.螺旋片 flight;141.螺旋起重机 bottle screw; screwjack;142.螺旋起重器 jackscrew; lift screw; lifting screw;143.螺旋千分尺 screw micrometer; screw-thread micrometer;144.螺旋千分卡尺 screw micrometer caliper;145.螺旋千斤顶 jackscrew; {机} screw jack; jack-in-the-box;146.螺旋切槽 helical cutting;147.螺旋切削 spiral cutting;148.螺旋球面反射体 helisphere reflector;149.螺旋曲线 helical curve; spiral curve;150.螺旋曲线量 spirality;151.螺旋绕法 helically-wound;152.螺旋绕丝机 helical winding machine;153.螺旋绕组 fish winding; spiral winding;154.螺旋韧带 {解} spiral ligament;155.螺旋刃带 helical land;156.螺旋润滑 screw lubrication;157.螺旋塞 vice; screw plug; screw stopper;158.螺旋扫描{讯} helical scanning; spiral scan;159.螺旋扫描(式)磁带录像机 helical scan recorder;160.螺旋扫描录像 helical recording;161.螺旋扇风机 screw fan;162.螺旋神经节 {解} spiral ganglion;163.螺旋升角 {机} lead angle;164.螺旋升运器 auger elevator; screw elevator;165.螺旋绳 spiral rope;166.螺旋室 volute;167.螺旋试验 spin test;168.螺旋收敛 spiral convergence;169.螺旋手柄工具 screwed shank tool;170.螺旋输送 auger delivery;171.螺旋输送机 conveying worm; auger conveyor; screw conveyor; spiral conveyor; {机} worm conveyor; archimedean screw conveyer; conveying screw; helical conveyor;172.螺旋输送器 auger conveyor; auger gatherer;173.螺旋输送器底壳 auger concave;174.螺旋输送器外罩 auger conveyor box;175.螺旋输送式吹送机 auger feed blower;176.螺旋刷筛 spiral brush sifter;177.螺旋丝锥 spiral tap;178.螺旋弹簧 coiled spring; helical spring; {设计} spiral spring;179.螺旋弹簧管 helical Bourdon tube; helix Bourdon tube;180.螺旋弹簧接触体 helical contact;181.螺旋弹簧摩擦离合器 coil friction clutch;182.螺旋弹簧胀圈活塞环 ring with coil-spring expander;183.螺旋套 helical casing;184.螺旋套管接合 screwed socket joint;185.螺旋套筒 screw sheel;186.螺旋梯 cocke-stair;187.螺旋提升机 {机} screw elevator;188.螺旋提升机构 screw lift; screw lifting mechanism;189.螺旋天线 helical antenna;190.螺旋通风器 screw ventilation;191.螺旋同轴线匹配交换器 helix-tocoaxial-line transducer;192.螺旋头部用(活动)杆 tommy wrench;193.螺旋透镜 helical lens; spiral lens;194.螺旋凸棱辊 sprial-ribbed roll;195.螺旋凸轮 spiral cam;196.螺旋凸缘 screwed flange;197.螺旋推进套 helical propelling sleeve;198.螺旋推运器 auger;199.螺旋推运器(传动)链轮 auger sprocket;200.螺旋推运器外壳 auger cover;201.螺旋推运器轴 auger core;202.螺旋挖掘机 helical digger (带垂直螺旋刀齿);203.螺旋喂送器 screw feed;204.螺旋位错 {晶} screw dislocation; helix dislocation;205.螺旋位移 {力} screw displacement;206.螺旋纹 {植} spiricle;207.螺旋纹板 stockade and dies;208.螺旋铣 {机} helical milling;209.螺旋铣刀 screw-on cutter; spiral cutter; spiral mill; spiral milling cutter;210.螺旋铣削 helical milling;211.螺旋洗矿机 screw washer;212.螺旋下降 vrille;213.螺旋下降式输送机 gravity spiral conveyer;214.螺旋下降式调整 screwdown control;215.螺旋限制器 screw-type stop;216.螺旋销 screw pin; spiral pin;217.螺旋消失 despiralization;218.螺旋小齿轮 helical pinion;219.螺旋斜角 angle of helix;220.螺旋斜纹织物 {纺} corkscrew weave;221.螺旋斜轴 spiral bevel axle;222.螺旋卸料离心机 helical-conveyer centrifugal;223.螺旋心轴 screw mandrel; centrifugal;224.螺旋芯撑 spring chaplet;225.螺旋星云 sprial nebula;226.螺旋性 {量子} helicity;227.螺旋选矿机 spiral concentrator;228.螺旋卸煤机 sprial coal unloader;229.螺旋压力机 fly press; screw press; spindle press; worm press;230.螺旋压缩[气]机 screw compressor;231.螺旋压缩机管夹 screw compressor clamp;232.螺旋压凸机 flypress;233.螺旋压下机构 screwdown mechanism;234.螺旋压榨机 pressafiner; pressofiner;235.螺旋压装法装药 explosive screw-pressing;236.螺旋咽饰带线虫 pispharynx spiralis;237.螺旋延长部 extension screw;238.螺旋延迟电缆 helical delay cable;239.螺旋延迟线 delay helix; delay-line helix;240.螺旋扬水机 spiral water lift;241.螺旋叶轮 helical runner;242.螺旋叶盘式截装机 {采矿} spiral vane disk cutter;243.螺旋叶片 helical blade;244.螺旋叶片式输送器 helically bladed screw conveyer;245.螺旋蝇 screwfly;246.螺旋油槽 helical oil groove; spiral oil grooves;247.螺旋圆波导 helical circular waveguide;248.螺旋云系 {气} spiral cloud;249.螺旋运动 screw; spiralling; helical motion; spiral motion; spiral movement;250.螺旋运输机 helical conveyer;251.螺旋藻属 Spirulina;252.螺旋轧制 screw rolling;253.螺旋榨油机 screw oil expeller;254.螺旋(取向) 照像 helical diagram;255.螺旋振动运输机 spiral vibrating conveyer;256.螺旋振子 helicon;257.螺旋正齿轮 spiral spur gear;258.螺旋正牙器 jackscrew;259.螺旋支架 helical mount;260.螺旋直径 screw diameter;261.螺旋纸浆传送器 helical screw pulp conveyer;262.螺旋制砖机 auger machine;263.螺旋质谱计 helicotron;264.螺旋种子清选机 spiral-type seed grader;265.螺旋重力分离器 spiral gravity separator;266.螺旋周值 screw value;267.螺旋柱 bored pile; {建} screw pile;268.螺旋柱式绞盘 pile-screwing capstan;269.螺旋桩 screw pile;270.螺旋装订 spiral binding;271.螺旋装粮机 auger grain loader;272.螺旋装料器 {机} auger packer;273.螺旋装置 screw;274.螺旋(联接)装置 screw(ed)-on attachment;275.螺旋锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear;276.螺旋锥齿轮副 spiral bevel gear pair;277.螺旋锥口钻 snail countersink;278.螺旋锥式选种机 spiral cone seed cleaner;279.螺旋锥蝇 screwworm;280.螺旋钻 auger; archimedean; {机} rotary bucket; archimedean drill; screw auger; spiral auger; spiral borer; spiral drill; twist bit; auger bit;281.螺旋钻杆 auger stem;282.螺旋钻机开采薄煤层法 {采矿} auger mining;283.螺旋钻孔 auger boring; {工} auger drilling; auger hole;284.螺旋钻孔桩 {土} bored pile;285.螺旋钻探 auger boring




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