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词汇 解除
释义 解除解除[jiě chú]1.remove; relieve; get rid of; secure; release; uncaging:解除顾虑free one's mind of apprehensions;解除合同terminate [cancel] a contract; dissolution of contract;解除婚约dissolution of engagement; renounce [rescind] an engagement;解除婚姻关系dissolution of marriage;解除禁令lift a ban;解除扣押release of distress;解除武装disarm;解除宵禁lift the curfew;解除职务remove sb. from his post; relieve sb. of his office;解除某人的忧虑release sb. from anxiety;解除旅途的疲劳relief from tiresome journey;旱象已经解除。The dry spell is over.这药吃后会解除你的疼痛。This medicine will give you release from pain.将军被解除了最高指挥官的职务。The general was relieved of his office as a supreme commander.
常用词组1.解除保险 arming;2.解除保险阻力 arming resistance;3.解除出口禁令 removal of export ban;4.解除催眠 dehypnotize;5.解除负荷 discharge;6.解除黄金禁运 repeal of gold embargo;7.解除货币管制 desterilization;8.解除警报 sound the all clear; all-clear;9.解除数据结构程序 destructor;10.解除外区管制 decontrol of foreign exchange;11.解除武装 disarm troops; dismantle;12.解除压力 pressure relief;13.解除债务(责任) discharge liability




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