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词汇 起来 2
释义 起来起来[qi lai]1. (用在动词后, 表示向上):把帽子拾起来pick up the hat;中国人民站起来了。The Chinese people have stood up.; The Chinese people have risen to their feet.
常用词组1. (用在形容词或动词后, 表示动作或情况开始并继续):天气暖和起来了The weather is getting warm.孩子笑得使妈妈的心情好起来了。The child laughed his mother into a better humour.让一些人先富起来。Let some people get rich first.2. (用在动词后,表示动作完成或达到目的):想起来了, 这是毛主席的语录。I've got it. It is a quatation from Chairman Mao.这幢楼是去年盖起来的。The building was built last year.3. (用在动词后, 表示印象或看法):这个提议听起来挺不错。This proposal sounds quite all right.看起来要下雨了。It looks like rain.
另见 qǐ lai。




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