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词汇 通气
释义 通气通气[tōng qì]1. (使空气流通) ventilate; aerate2. (互通声气) be in touch with each other; keep each other informed:大家要经常通气。We must keep in touch with each other.这件事你得跟他通个气。You should let him know of this matter.
常用词组1.通气层 unsaturated zone; vadose zone; zone of aeration; {地质} zone of suspended water;2.通气当量 ventilation equivalent;3.通气道 {植} parichnos;4.通气孔 air vent; airflow orifice;5.通气孔塞 vent-plug;6.通气培养 aerobic culture;7.通气设备 aeration equipment; breathing apparatus;8.通气石墨化 gasified graphitization;9.通气竖管 {土} vent stack;10.通气水翼 ventilated hydrofoil;11.通气组织 aerating tissue; aerenchyma; {植} ventilating tissue




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