释义 |
雨雨[yǔ]名1.■(从云层中降向地面的水) rain:暴雨torrential rain; rainstorm;避雨seek shelter from the rain;大雨heavy rain;及时雨timely [welcome] rain;雷雨thunderstorm;毛毛雨drizzle;大雨滂沱。The rain is coming down in sheets.大雨倾盆。The rain is pelting down.; It rains cats and dogs.大雨如注。The rain came down in torrents.瓢泼大雨猛烈地下起来。The rain commenced pouring violently down.下雨啦!Here comes the rain!雨停了。The rain has stopped.; It has rained over.雨下了整整一个星期。It has rained all the week.另见 yù。 |