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释义 [cuò]1. (错误; 不正确) wrong; mistaken; erroneous:拿错东西take sth. by mistake;他把我的名字写错了。He wrote my name wrong.我的看法错了。My opinions were wrong.恐怕你搞错了。I'm afraid you are mistaken.2. (用于否定: 坏; 差) bad; poor:他们感情不错。They are on good terms.今年的收成错不了。This year's harvest is sure to be good.这幅画不错。This picture is not bad.3. (交叉; 参差; 错杂) interlocked and jagged; intricate; complex:盘根错节with twisted roots and gnarled branches; complicated and difficult to deal with;犬牙交错be interlocked like dog's teeth; jigsaw-like; interlocking1. (两个物体相对摩擦; 磨) grind; rub:错牙grind one's teeth (in one's sleep)2. (更迭; 交错; 错开) alternate; stagger:错缝接合alternate joint;这两个会不能同时开, 得错一下。We can't hold the two meetings at the same time; we must stagger them.3. (相对行动时避开而不碰上;错过) miss4. [书] (在凹下去的文字、花纹中镶上或涂上金、银等) inlay or plate with gold, silver, etc.5. [书] (打磨玉石) polish; grind1. (过错; 错处) mistake; fault; demerit:出错make mistakes;这是他的错, 不怨你。You are not to blame; it is his fault.2. [书] (打磨玉石的石头) grindstone for polishing jade:他山之石, 可以为错。Stones from other hills may serve to polish the jade of this one. -- Advice from others may help one overcome one's shortcomings.3. (精美的食物) delicacy:山珍海错delicacies from land and sea4. (姓氏) a surname:错明Cuo Ming




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