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释义 [chú]1. (去掉) get rid of; eliminate; remove:为民除害rid the people of a scourge;兴利除弊promote what is beneficial and abolish what is harmful;战天灾,除人祸fight natural disasters and conquer human evils2. {数} (用一个数把另一个数分成若干等份) divide:8除以4得2。8 divided by 4 is 2.6能被2除尽。6 divides by 2.; 2 goes into 6.3除不尽7。3 will not divide into 7.3. [书] (授; 拜官职) invest in office:除某官be appointed to certain office1.(不计算在内) except; (计算在内) besides:除此而外with the exception of this; excepting this;除他以外, 我们都去了。We all went except him.除星期天外, 他每天都工作。He works every day except Sunday.除此我什么都不要。I want nothing besides this.除英语外, 他还要学德语和法语。Besides English, he has to study German and French.1.[书] (台阶) steps to a house; doorsteps:洒扫庭除sweep the courtyard




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