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词汇 钢轨
释义 钢轨钢轨[gāng guǐ]1.rail; metals; steel rail; railroad rail
常用词组1.钢轨搬运机 rail carrier;2.钢轨标志 rail brand;3.钢轨表面剥落 shelling of rail;4.钢轨底座 rail bed;5.钢轨垫板 bearing plate bars; tie-plate bar;6.钢轨垫板轧机 tie-plate mill;7.钢轨顶梁 rail cap;8.钢轨顶面 rail surface;9.钢轨端面铣床 rail-end milling machine; rail-ending machine;10.钢轨断面 rail profile; railroad section;11.钢轨断面磨耗测量器 rail profile gauge;12.钢轨防爬器 rail-anchor;13.钢轨钢 rail steel;14.钢轨拱形支架 arched rail set; rail arch;15.钢轨鼓曲 rail buckle;16.钢轨滚轨机 railroad roller;17.钢轨焊补 resurfacing of rail;18.钢轨间隙 dilatation joint;19.钢轨检验 rail examination;20.钢轨矫直机 rail straightener; rail straightening machine;21.钢轨矫直-精整机组 rail conditioning unit;22.钢轨接头 rail joint;23.钢轨接头垫片 shim for rail joint;24.钢轨接头焊接 bond weld;25.钢轨截断方法 rail cropping method;26.钢轨锯切机 railroad sawing machine;27.钢轨孔型 rail pass;28.钢轨扣件 {土} rail fastening;29.钢轨联接板 joint bar; splice bar;30.钢轨连接板 {工} joint fastening;31.钢轨落锤试验机 rail breaker;32.钢轨铝热剂 railroad thermit;33.钢轨磨耗余量 railway wear tolerance;34.钢轨挠曲 rail buckle;35.钢轨内移 rolling in rail;36.钢轨爬行 rail creeping;37.钢轨拼装交叉 {土} bolted rail crossing;38.钢轨平路机 rail leveller;39.钢轨剖面 cross-section of the rail; section of the rail;40.钢轨起重器 track (rail) jack;41.钢轨牵板 tie plate;42.钢轨钳 rail tongs;43.钢轨切分轧机 rail slitting mill;44.钢轨切头 rail butts;45.钢轨伸缩调节器 rail overlapping device;46.钢轨试验 {土} rail test;47.钢轨缩孔 shelly spot in rail;48.钢轨锁定器 {土} rail anchor;49.钢轨探伤车 rail-defect detector car;50.钢轨探伤器 rail-defect detector;51.钢轨探伤仪 rail flaw detector;52.钢轨系杆 rail tie bar;53.钢轨研磨平整机 rail trimming machine;54.钢轨应力自记仪 stremmatograph;55.钢轨鱼尾板 rail splice;56.钢轨轧辊 rail train;57.钢轨轧机 rail mill;58.钢轨轧制系统 railroad rolling sequence;59.钢轨振动 rail vibration;60.钢轨支柱 rail upright;61.钢轨灼损裂缝 engine burn fracture;62.钢轨自动埋弧电渣焊 automatic submerged slag welding of rail;63.钢轨自动平整机 automatic rail trimming machine;64.钢轨逐步超高尺 step block;65.钢轨钻孔 drilling of the rail;66.钢轨钻孔机 rail bonding drill; rail drill




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