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词汇 额定
释义 额定额定[é dìng]1.(规定数目的) specified [fixed] (number or amount); rated:额定人数the maximum number of persons allowed; the stipulated number of personnel
常用词组1.额定安全负载 guarantee load;2.额定保证金 margin requirement;3.额定闭合容量 {电} rated making-capacity;4.额定变化 nominal transformation;5.额定变压系数 nominal transformer ratio;6.额定波长 nominal wave length;7.额定波纹电流 rated ripple current;8.额定参量曲线 derating curve;9.额定参数 nominal parameter;10.额定产量 rated output;11.额定出力 nominal output; nominal rating; rated capability; rated throughput;12.额定触点电流 rated contact current;13.额定低压 nominal low-voltage;14.额定电力消耗 nominal power consumption;15.额定电流 rated current; current rating;16.额定电流密度 nominal current density;17.额定电路电压 nominal circuit voltage;18.额定电容 rated capacity;19.额定电压 voltage rating; rated voltage; nominal voltage;20.额定电压范围 range of nominal tension;21.额定电压级 grade of rated voltage;22.额定动力 rated power;23.额定动力输出 rated power output;24.额定短时电流 rated short-time current;25.额定断开容量 {电} rated breaking-capacity;26.额定断路电流 rated breaking current;27.额定断路功率 interrupting capacity rating;28.额定吨数[位] rating tonnage;29.额定分辨能力 rated resolving power;30.额定峰值电流 peak current rating;31.额定峰值功率 peak power rating;32.额定伏安 rated VA;33.额定负荷 rated burden;34.额定负荷试验 running test;35.额定负荷运行 rated load operation;36.额定负载 {电} nominal [rated] load;37.额定高压 rated high voltage;38.额定工作电压 rated operational voltage;39.额定工作条件 nominal working conditions;40.额定工作压力 rated operating pressure;41.额定功耗 rated dissipation;42.额定功率 {电} nominal [normal rated] power; power rating; rated capacity [horsepower; power]; rating;43.额定功率增益 nominal power gain;44.额定供电 rated power supply;45.额定公债 bonds authorized;46.额定股本 authorized capital stock; capital stock authorized;47.额定光通量 nominal light flux;48.额定锅炉马力 rated boiler horsepower;49.额定耗散 rated dissipation;50.额定荷载 rated load;51.额定截止频率 nominal cut-off frequency;52.额定精确度 rated accuracy;53.额定绝缘电压 nominal insulation voltage;54.额定控制电压 nominal control voltage;55.额定力矩 rated moment;56.额定连续工作电压 rated continuous working voltage;57.额定量 rated capacity [quantity];58.额定流量 metered flow; rated flow;59.额定马力 nominal [rated] horsepower;60.额定能量 rated energy;61.额定喷管特性 rated nozzle characteristic;62.额定频率 rated [nominal] frequency;63.额定频率范围 rated frequency range;64.额定平均功率 average power rating;65.额定牵入同步力矩 nominal pull-in torque;66.额定千伏安 rated kilovoltampere;67.额定熔断电流 rated blowing-current;68.额定容量 rated [nominal; marked] capacity;69.额定升压 rated boost pressure;70.额定时间 time rating;71.额定使用范围 nominal range of use;72.额定寿命 rated life time;73.额定输出 rated [nominal; normal] output;74.额定输出功率 rated output power;75.额定输出量 rated [nominal] output;76.额定输入 rated input;77.额定双压 double voltage rating;78.额定速度 normal [rated] speed;79.额定推力 normal [rated] thrust;80.额定瓦数 {电} wattage rating;81.额定温度 rated temperature;82.额定线圈电流 rated coil current;83.额定线圈电压 rated coil voltage;84.额定相角 rated phase angle;85.额定消耗量 rated consumption;86.额定效率 rated efficiency;87.额定性能 rated performance;88.额定需要功率 rated consumed power;89.额定压力 rated pressure;90.额定有效载荷 rated payload;91.额定载荷 rated load;92.额定载荷电流 rated carrying current;93.额定载流容量 {电} rated current-carrying capacity;94.额定载重量 nominal load [rated loading] capacity;95.额定噪声功率 nominal noise power;96.额定增压 rated boost;97.额定遮断功率 rated breaking capacity;98.额定蒸发量 rated capacity (指锅炉);99.额定正向电流 forward current rating;100.额定正向平均电流 forward mean current rating;101.额定值 {电} rated [nominal; rating] value;102.额定重 schedule weight;103.额定转矩 nominal [rated] torque; torque rating;104.额定转数 rated revolution;105.额定转速 {机} rated revolution; rated [specified] speed;106.额定资本 authorized capital;107.额定阻抗 {电} rated [nominal] impedance




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更新时间:2025/3/15 1:15:37