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词汇 防止
释义 防止防止[fáng zhǐ]1.prevent; guard against; forestall; avoid:防止感染protect from infection; prevent infection;防止浪费人力avoid waste of manpower;防止煤气中毒guard against gas poisoning;防止骄傲自满guard against conceit and complacency;防止错误a safeguard against mistakes;防止核扩散non-proliferation of nuclear weapons;防止青少年犯罪the prevention of juvenile crimes;防止疾病蔓延prevent a disease from spreading;教育是防止社会罪恶的最好和最终的方法。Education would be the best and final prevention against social evils.我们必须防止这个乱子扩大。We must prevent the trouble from spreading.
常用词组1.防止摆动 antihunting;2.防止冲刷 erosion control;3.防止电晕 corona protection;4.防止发酵进行 mutage;5.防止共振 prevention of resonance;6.防止过电压 overvoltage protection;7.防止过载 overload protection;8.防止过载放大器 anti-overloading amplifier;9.防止核扩散 nonproliferation of nuclear weapons;10.防止核扩散条约 the nonproliferation treaty (NPT);11.防止滑移 slide prevention;12.防止混线 cross protection;13.防止接触 contact protection;14.防止结冰 deicing;15.防止空转器 wheel antislip device;16.防止磨损 wear prevention;17.防止碰线 cross-protection;18.防止碰撞 collision prevention;19.防止失速 antistall;20.防止失速装置 antistall gear;21.防止事故 fault prevention; forestall trouble; prevention of accidents;22.防止损失 prevention of loss;23.防止性监禁 preventive detention;24.防止者 preventer;25.防止自杀中心 suicide prevention centre




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