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词汇 评论
释义 评论评论[píng lùn]1. (批评或议论) comment on; discuss; make [give] comment on; deliver oneself of sth.; point the conversation at sb. [sth.]; enlarge upon [on] sth.; review:评论是非discuss right and wrong;不加评论make no remark;评论那件事remark upon the event;它引起了新闻界的广泛评论。It created wide comment in the press.对此发表评论无异于画蛇添足。Comment upon this would be to paint the lily.2. (批评或议论的文章) comment; commentary; review; appreciation; appraisal; criticism:电影评论motion-picture review;法律评论a law review;为一家报纸写评论review for a newspaper;时事评论comments on current events;小评论short comment;评论文章comment on an article
常用词组1.评论家 critic; reviewer;2.评论目录学 bibliography;3.评论员 commentator




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