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词汇 道路
释义 道路道路[dào lù]1.road; way; path:阻塞道路block the road;找到正确的道路find the right way;为两国首脑会谈铺平道路pave the way for summit talks between the two countries;走前人没有走过的道路break paths none have explored before;由于有雾, 我们很难看清道路。It was very difficult to see our way because of the fog.
常用词组1.道路保障 road support;2.道路测量 road survey;3.道路翻新 {土} retreading road;4.道路(覆)盖层 {土} overlay;5.道路工程 road engineering;6.道路滚压机 road roller;7.道路卷扬机 road donkey;8.道路环形交叉 rotary intersection;9.道路交叉口 {土} intersection; road intersection;10.道路空间 path space; space of paths;11.道路立体交叉结构 grade separation structure;12.道路磨耗层 road carpet;13.道路排水明沟 open road drain;14.道路坡度 {土} road grade;15.道路试验车 road-test car;16.道路水泥 road cement;17.道路通行能力 {土} road capacity;18.道路网 road network;19.道路维护 road upkeep;20.道路系统 roadnet;21.道路辛烷值 {工} road octane;22.道路修理工 road mender;23.道路营运 road service;24.道路运输网 road transport network;25.道路展宽 roadway widening;26.道路植树 street planting;27.道路中心桩 centre mark




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