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词汇 论 2
释义 论(論)[lùn]1. (分析和说明事理的话或文章) opinion; view; idea; statement:社论editorial;立论argument; line of reasoning;绪论introduction2. (学说) theory; doctrine:相对论the theory of relativity;唯物论materialism3. (文章等题目用语) dissertation; essay:《实践论》On Practice4. (姓氏) a surname:论恒Lun Heng1. (分析和说明事理) discuss; argue; talk about:评论comment; discuss; review;争论dispute; debate2. (说; 看待) mention; regard; consider:一概而论consider different matters as the same;相提并论mention in the same breath3. (衡量; 评定) weigh; decide on:论价determine the price;按质论等decide on the grade according to the quality1.(按照单位或类别) by; regarding; in terms of:论交情in terms of friendship;论日计算count by day;茶叶论磅卖。Tea is sold by the pound.另见 lún。




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