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释义 [xǔ]1. (称赞; 承认优点) praise:推许esteem and commend;赞许praise; commend2. (答应) promise:他许过我1张票。He promised me a ticket.他许下要给大报酬的诺言。He made promises of a large reward.3. (允许;许可) allow; permit:此处不许吸烟。Smoking is not permitted here.每人只许携带50公斤行李。Only fifty kilos are allowed for personal luggage.只许前进, 不许后退。No retreat is allowed, only advance.4. (许配) betroth a girl; engage to; affianced to sb.1. (也许; 或许) maybe; possibly; perhaps:他今天没来,许是生病了。He didn't come today; perhaps he's ill.他许不来了。Perhaps he isn't coming.天这么黑,许是要下雨吧。It's so dark. Perhaps it's going to rain.2. (表示程度或大约的数目) about; approximately:年许40about forty years old;少许somewhat; a little1. [书](处; 地方) place:何许人?Where does the person come from?2. (周朝国名) Xu, a state in the Zhou Dynasty3. (姓氏) a surname:许慎Xu Shen




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