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词汇 茴香
释义 茴香茴香[huí xiāng]1.{植} (小茴香) Foeniculum vulgare; fennel; aniseed; anisum fruit (伞形科多年生宿根草本, 嫩茎叶作蔬菜, 果实作香料并入中药)
常用词组1.茴香胺 anisidine; methoxyaniline;2.茴香叉 anisal;3.茴香醇 {有化} anise alcohol; anisic alcohol; anisyl alcohol; para-methoxy-benzyl alcohol; p-methoxybenzaldehyde;4.茴香醇酮 anisoin;5.茴香豆 beans flavored with aniseed;6.茴香苷 foeniculin;7.茴香基 anisyl; methoxyphenyl; methoxybenzyl;8.茴香碱 anisine;9.茴香酒 [法] anisette pastis;10.茴香利口酒 ouzo; anesone;11.茴香霉素 anisomycin;12.茴香醚 {有化} anisole; methoxybenzene; methylphenyl ether;13.茴香脑 {有化} anethole; anise camphor; 1-methoxy-4-propenyl benzene; para-methoxypropenyl benzene; para-propenylanisole;14.茴香醛 {有化} anisaldehyde; aubepine; para-anisic aldehyde; 4-methosybenzaldehyde; paramethoxybenzaldehyde;15.茴香酸 {有化} anisic acid; para-methoxybenzoic acid;16.茴香萜 fenchene;17.茴香酮 fenchone;18.茴香油 {材} anise oil; fennel oil; oil of fennel




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