词汇 | 行 |
释义 | 行行[xíng] 动1.■ (走; 行驶) go:步行go on foot; walk;日行百里cover a hundred li a day;逆水行舟, 不进则退。A boat sailing against the current must forge ahead or it will be driven back.2.■ (做; 办; 从事) do; perform; carry out; engage in:简便易行simple and easy to do;可行can be done; be practicable; can be carried out;实行carry out; put into effect;试行try out3.■ (流行; 推行) be current; prevail; circulate:风行一时be popular [in fashion] for a time; be all the rage;货币发行monetary issue; issue of bank notes4.■ (用于双音动词前, 表示进行某项活动):即行答复give a prompt reply;另行安排make other [separate] arrangements;另行通知will notify separately5.■ (可以) be all right; O.K:我去行吗?Is it all right if I go?行, 就这么办。O.K., it's settled.行了, 不要再说了。All right, no need to say any more.在快车道上骑车不行。Cycling along the motorway is not allowed.以后付钱也行。It's okey to pay later. 形1.■ (能干) capable; competent:不要认为只有自己才行。Don't think that you're the only capable one.老王, 你真行!Lao Wang, you are really terrific!她教英语行吗?Is she competent to teach English?我在这方面不行。I'm not good at these things.2.■ (流动性的; 临时性的) temporary; makeshift:行灶makeshift cooking stove 名1.■ (行为) behaviour; conduct:品行character; conduct;言行words and deeds2.■ (跟旅行有关的) travel:不虚此行do not make this trip in vain;欧洲之行a trip to Europe3.■ (姓氏) a surname:行宏Xing Hong 副1.■[书] (将要) soon:行将出国will go abroad soon;行将完毕soon to be completed另见 háng。 |
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