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词汇 海军
释义 海军海军[hǎi jūn]1.sea service; navy
常用词组1.海军岸防兵 naval coastal defence force;2.海军部 Department of the Navy; Marine;3.海军部队 naval force;4.海军部长 Secretary of the Navy (especially of the United States);5.海军船厂 navy yard;6.海军导弹 naval missile;7.海军飞机 naval aircraft [plane; airplane];8.海军飞机场 naval aerodrome;9.海军辅助舰船 naval auxiliaries;10.海军服 navy uniform;11.海军高炮部队 naval antiaircraft gun unit;12.海军工程保障 naval engineer support;13.海军航空 naval aviation;14.海军航空兵 naval air force; naval air (arm); naval air service; naval aviation;15.海军航空基地 naval air base;16.海军后备队 naval reserve;17.海军后方勤务 naval logistical service;18.海军黄铜 admiralty brass;19.海军基地 naval base;20.海军舰队 naval fleet;21.海军舰艇管理 administration of naval ships;22.海军军备 naval armament;23.海军军需品 naval stores;24.海军军需勤务 naval quartermaster service;25.海军军语 naval terminology;26.海军蓝色 navy blue;27.海军陆战队 marine corps; marines;28.海军陆战队兵营 marine barracks;29.海军呢 navy cloth;30.海军气象员 aerographer;31.海军潜艇部队 naval submarine unit;32.海军勤务 naval service;33.海军上将 admiral;34.海军上尉 lieutenant (just below lieutenant commander);35.海军上校 captain (just below rear admiral);36.海军少将 rear admiral;37.海军少尉 ensign;38.海军少校 lieutenant commander;39.海军实力 sea power; naval power; naval strength;40.海军水警区 naval coast guard area;41.海军水面舰艇部队 naval surface vessel unit;42.海军条子布 marine stripes;43.海军小船 net-layer;44.海军文职人员 naval civilian; civilian personnel in the Navy;45.海军武官 naval attache;46.海军武器 naval weapon;47.海军学院 naval academy; [美] Naval War College;48.海军巡防区 naval patrol district;49.海军巡逻队 shore patrol;50.海军训练 naval training;51.海军医务兵 hospital man;52.海军医学 naval medicine;53.海军演习 naval maneuver [exercise];54.海军元帅 admiral of the fleet;55.海军院校学员 midshipman;56.海军战斗机 fleet fighter;57.海军站 naval station;58.海军支队 naval detachment;59.海军致胜论 theory of victory by sea power;60.海军制服 dress uniform;61.海军制服呢 navy cloth;62.海军中队 squadron;63.海军中级军官 commodore;64.海军中将 vice admiral;65.海军中尉 {英} sublieutenant;66.海军中校 commander (above lieutenant commander);67.海军主义 navalism;68.海军专业部队 naval special [specialized] service;69.海军总司令 commander-in-chief of the navy; (in U.S.) chief of naval operations;70.海军纵队 flotilla




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