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词汇 系 2
释义 系(Ⅱ ④係、Ⅱ ①②③繫)[xì]1. (系统) system; series:芳香系aromatic series;派系faction;太阳系the solar system;语系(language) family2. (高等学校中按学科所分的教学行政单位) department; faculty:社会学系the department of sociology;物理[文学]系the physics [literature] department;系主任head of the department; dean3. (姓氏) a surname:系益Xi Yi1. (联结; 联系) relate to; bear on; depend on:维系hold together; maintain;成败系于此举stand or fall by this;名誉所系have a direct bearing on one's reputation2. (牵挂)feel anxious; be concerned:系恋miss sb. very much;系念feel concerned about3. (拴; 绑) tie; fasten:系马tether a horse;系牢fasten up4. [书] (是) be:纯系试验性质be purely experimental in character;其母系辽宁人。His mother is a native of Liaoning.她讲的确系实情。What she said is the actual situation.另见 jì。




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