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词汇 科研
释义 科研科研[kē yán]1.scientific research:进行血液病的科研工作make scientific researches on diseases of the blood;他从事科研工作。He is engaged in scientific research.
常用词组1.科研产出 output of scientific research;2.科研成果 achievements in scientific research; result of scientific research;3.科研成果商品化 commercialize R&D achievements;4.科研单位R&D institution;5.科研导[飞] 弹 research missile;6.科研工作 scientific research;7.科研管理 research and development management;8.科研管理学 management of scientific research;9.科研合同制 contract system of scientific research;10.科研机构 scientific research institution;11.科研机制 scientific research mechanism;12.科研经费 cost of scientific research;13.科研区 district of scientific research;14.科研人员 scientific research personnel;15.科研生产联合体 sci-tech research production community; joint science research production entity;16.科研体制改革 reform of scientific research system;17.科研投入 input for scientific research;18.科研项目 scientific research item;19.科研向生产转移 transfer R&D achievements to production;20.科研协作委员会 Coordinating Research Council;21.科研与生产紧密联合 close integration of scientific research with production;22.科研责任制 responsibility system of scientific research;23.科研中心 research establishment; scientific research centre




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