群体压力 population pressure;
群体: 群体压力 population pressure;
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve; exchange cover;
外汇储备耗尽 depletion of foreign exchange reserves;
外汇兑换券 foreign exchange certificate;
外汇兑换水单 exchange memo;
外汇兑换率 rate of exchange; rate of foreign exchange;
外汇准备 reserve for foreign exchange; foreign exchange reserve;
外汇分成[留成] share the foreign currency earnings; sharing of foreign exchange earnings; retention of a share of the foreign currency earned; keep part of the foreign exchange earnings; share of foreign exchange earned;
外汇分配 allocation of exchange;
外汇利润 exchange profit;
外汇券 Foreign Exchange Certificate;
外汇升水 exchange premium;
外汇危机 exchange crisis;
外汇变动 exchange fluctuations;
外汇变动保险 foreign exchange fluctuation insurance;
外汇合同 exchange contract;
外汇合同确认书 exchange contract confirmation;
外汇基金 foreign exchange fund;
外汇外流 drain of foreign exchange; outflow of foreign exchange;
外汇头寸 exchange position;
外汇官价 official exchange rate;
外汇局 exchange office;
外汇市场 foreign exchange market;
外汇平价 par of exchange; exchange parity; mint par of exchange; mint par; exchange rate parity; par exchange rate;
外汇平准基金 exchange stabilization fund;
外汇平衡 balance of foreign exchange between income and expenditure;
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更新时间:2025/3/14 9:02:48