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词汇 混 2
释义 [hùn]1. (搀杂) mix; confuse; mingle:混在一起mix things up;不要把自由与放纵混为一谈。Don't confuse liberty with license.他混进人群里就不见了。He mingled with [in] the crowd, and was lost to sight.在夏威夷, 许多人种混居在一起。Many races are mixed in Hawaii.2. (蒙混) pass for; pass off as:鱼目混珠pass off fish eyes as pearls; pass off the sham as genuine3. (苟且地生活) muddle along; drift along:混过一个难关muddle through a difficulty;混日子drift along aimlessly4. (相处) get along with sb.:同他们混得很熟be quite familiar with them1.(胡乱) thoughtlessly; recklessly; irresponsibly:混出主意put forward irresponsible suggestions1.(姓氏) a surname:混元Hun Yuan另见 hún。




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