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词汇 种 2
释义 种(種)[zhǒng]1. (物种的简称) species:物种起源The Origin of Species;本地种endemic species;外地种exotic species2. (人种) race:混血种mixed blood;蒙古人种the Mongolian race3. (生物传代繁殖的物质) seed; strain; breed:马铃薯种potato seeds;杂交种hybrid strain; cross breeding4. (指胆量或骨气) guts; spunk; grit; backbone:真有种have plenty of spunk;孬种coward;有种的站出来!Let anyone who has guts step forward!5. (姓氏) a surname:种良Zhong Liang6.(表示种类, 用于人和任何事物) kind; sort; type; variety:各种各样all kinds of; a variety of; all sorts of; various types of;好几种颜色different colours;30种钢材thirty types of rolled steel;这种行为this kind of behaviour;他不是那种人。He is not a man of that sort.另见 zhòng。




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