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词汇 耦合
释义 耦合耦合[ǒu hé]1.{物} coupling; interconnection; catena; linkage; linking:机械耦合mechanical coupling
常用词组1.耦合摆 coupled pendulum;2.耦合变量 coupling variable;3.耦合变压器 coupling transformer;4.耦合波理论coupled-mode theory;5.耦合不足under coupling; undercoupling;6.耦合部件 coupling unit;7.耦合参数 coupling parameter;8.耦合测试器 coupling meter;9.耦合常数 coupling constant;10.耦合场 coupled field;11.耦合场矢量 {电} coupled field vector;12.耦合窗 coupling window;13.耦合电感 coupling inductance;14.耦合电抗 coupling reactance;15.耦合电缆 coupling cable;16.耦合电路 coupling circuit; coupled circuit ;17.耦合电容 coupling capacitance; coupling capacity;18.耦合电容器 coupling capacitor; duct capacitor; duct condenser; feed through capacitor;19.耦合电阻 coupling resistance;20.耦合度 degree of coupling; coupling factor;21.耦合对 coupling pair; conjugate pair;22.耦合反应堆 coupled reactor;23.耦合方式 {声} coupled modes;24.耦合放大器 coupling amplifier;25.耦合缝 coupling slot; coupling slit;26.耦合负载 coupled load;27.耦合管 coupling tube;28.耦合光谐振腔 coupled optical resonators;29.耦合环 coupling ring; coupling loop; strap ring;30.耦合环电容 loop capacitance;31.耦合环线 {电磁} coupling loop;32.耦合机构 coupling mechanism;33.耦合激光器 coupled laser;34.耦合剂 couplant;35.耦合结构 coupled structure;36.耦合矩阵 coupled matrix;37.耦合-空腔脉塞 coupled-cavity maser;38.耦合孔{电磁}coupling aperture; coupling hole;coupling slot;39.耦合控制coupling control;40.耦合量子效率 coupling quantum efficiency;41.耦合滤波器 coupling filter;42.耦合膜 coupled film;43.耦合频率 coupling frequency;44.耦合平面磁膜 planar coupled magnetic film;45.耦合器 {电磁} coupler;46.耦合器件 coupled apparatus;47.耦合区 coupled zone;48.耦合圈 coupling loop; pick-up loop;49.耦合输出 coupling-out;50.耦合衰减 coupling attenuation;51.耦合损耗 coupling loss;52.耦合探头 {电磁} coupling probe;53.耦合探针 coupling probe;54.耦合天线 {电磁} coupled antenna;55.耦合调谐电路 coupled tuned circuit;56.耦合调整 coupling adjustment;57.耦合网络 coupling network;58.耦合系数 coefficient of coupling; {电子} index of coupling; coupling factor;59.耦合隙缝 coupling gap;60.耦合线 coupling line; link line; tieline; link;61.耦合线圈 coupling coil; coupling inductor; pickup coil;62.耦合效应 coupling effect;63.耦合谐振电路 coupled resonant circuit;64.耦合谐振子系 {物} coupled harmonic oscillator;65.耦合型 coupled mode;66.耦合因数 coupling factor;67.耦合应力 coupling stress;68.耦合元件 coupling element; coupler; matching plug;69.耦合运动 coupled motions;70.耦合噪声 coupled noise;71.耦合振荡电路 coupled oscillatory circuit;72.耦合振荡模 coupled mode(s);73.耦合振荡器 coupled oscillator;74.耦合振子{力} coupled oscillator;75.耦合指令 link order;76.耦合指数 index of coupling;77.耦合阻抗 coupled impedance; coupling impedance; mutual impedance




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