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词汇 管道
释义 管道管道[guǎn dào]1.{工} pipeline; channel; tunnel; piping; canalis; pipe run; duct; conduit; conduit pipe; ducting; line of pipes; pipe alley:污水管道soil pipeline;煤气管道gas pipe;消防管道fire fighting pipeline;管道安装piping erection;为新房子安装自来水管道pipe a new house for water;室外的管道需要油漆了。The piping outside the house needs painting.
常用词组1.管道安装工 pipelayer; pipeman;2.管道泵 pipeline pump;3.管道补偿器 pipeline compensator;4.管道测量 duct survey;5.管道除垢器 {工} pig;6.管道穿墙垫块 chair;7.管道穿透 duct penetration;8.管道穿越 pipeline crossing;9.管道萃取器 tube extractor;10.管道垫床 bedding of pipes;11.管道电缆 underground cable; conduit cable; duct cable;12.管道吊架 pipe bridge;13.管道定边坡 {建} benching;14.管道堵头{建} pipe stopper;15.管道定位器 pipe locator;16.管道发射 tube launching;17.管道封堵器 pipeline plug;18.管道风扇 ducted fan;19.管道敷设 pipe laying;20.管道敷设机 pipelayer;21.管道隔热片 ducted heat baffle;22.管道工 pipeliner; pipe-man;23.管道工程 plumbing; pipework;24.管道工程队 pipe gang;25.管道化 channelization;26.管道集流时间 time of concentration in pipes;27.管道架装 pipeline erection;28.管道检查井 pipe manhole;29.管道铰接头 chute swivel joint;30.管道镜 borescope;31.管道局部阻力损失 minor losses in pipe;32.管道流动 pipe flow;33.管道流量计 pipeline flowmeter;34.管道流速分布 velocity distribution in pipe;35.管道螺旋桨 ducted propeller;36.管道煤气 pipelined gas;37.管道人孔 pipe manhole;38.管道内底标高 invert level;39.管道内底高程 invert elevation;40.管道内底坡度 invert grade;41.管道片 confuser;42.管道气力运输 pipe pneumatic transport;43.管道桥 conduit bridge;44.管道清洁工 swab-man;45.管道曲面 canal surface;46.管道全位置自动焊接 all position pipeline automatic arc welding;47.管道入口 entrance; conduit box;48.管道设计 channel design;49.管道施工 pipeline construction;50.管道输煤 pipeline coal transporting;51.管道输沙 sediment transport through pipeline;52.管道输送 pipage; pipeage;53.管道输送量 pipeline run;54.管道水力运输 hydraulic tube transport;55.管道套圈 flashing ring;56.管道弯头 channel bend;57.管道网 grid; network of pipe lines;58.管道系列 tubing;59.管道系统 duct system; pipework; piping system;60.管道下水滑道 pipeline launcher;61.管道巡查工 pipewalker;62.管道遥测 pipeline telemetering;63.管道涌波 surge in pipeline;64.管道油、气量 volume of oil and gas conveyed by pipelines;65.管道压缩机 pipeline compressor;66.管道仰拱 {建} invert;67.管道运输 pipeline transport; transportation by pipelines;68.管道转辙器 pipe switch;69.管道装炉 pipeline charging;70.管道装置 plumbing installation;71.管道阻力 resistance of ducting




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