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词汇 深入
释义 深入深入[shēn rù]1. (达到事物的内部) go deep into; penetrate into:深入敌后penetrate far behind enemy lines;深入改革deepen [intensify] the reform; further(ing) the reform; in-depth reform;深入国境线deep behind the frontier;深入基层go down to the grass-roots units;深入实际go deep into the realities of life;深入地总结sum up in a penetrating way;深入体制改革deepen the structural reform;深入下层go into the midst of the lower levels;深入事物本质probe deeply into the essence of things2. (深刻) thorough; deep-going:深入地分析analyse in depth;深入研究study in a deep-going way;进行深入的调查研究make a deep [thorough] investigation and study
常用词组1.深入引进 {电} deep lead-in




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