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词汇 特别
释义 特别特别[tè bié]1. (与众不同) special; unusual; particular; out of the ordinary:没什么特别的地方nothing out of ordinary;他的口音很特别。He has a peculiar accent.2. (格外) especially; particularly; specially:质量特别好be of extra fine quality;他工作特别努力。He's especially hardworking.这里最需要医务人员,特别是外科医生。We're in bad need of medical workers, especially surgeons.3. (特地) specially; especially:老大娘特别为伤员炖了一只鸡。Granny cooked a chicken especially for the wounded soldier.
常用词组1.特别案件 extraordinary case;2.特别保释 special bail;3.特别保释令 manucaption;4.特别保险 specific insurance;5.特别保证书 special warranty;6.特别报价 special offer;7.特别背书 special endorsement;8.特别辩护人 special pleader; special demurrer;9.特别标签规划 special labeling requirement;10.特别补救权 nobile officium;11.特别财产权 special property;12.特别裁决 special verdict; special rule; special finding;13.特别忏悔神父 father confessor;14.特别出庭 special appearance;15.特别储藏费率 special storage rate;16.特别存款 special deposit;17.特别代表 special deputy;18.特别代理人 special agent;19.特别恩典 special grace;20.特别订单 special order;21.特别法 special law;22.特别法庭 special tribunal; special court;23.特别费用 special charges;24.特别工业事务 special industrial services;25.特别股息 special dividend;26.特别观察员 an ad hoc observer;27.特别海关发票 special customs invoices;28.特别海损 particular average; extraordinary average;29.特别活期存款 special current account;30.特别划线 special crossing (of a cheque);31.特别划线支票 check crossed specially; specially crossed check;32.特别会议 special meeting [session];33.特别机动队 fire brigade;34.特别记账单位 special unit of account;35.特别加工区 special processing area;36.特别价格 special price;37.特别检查 special survey;38.特别鉴定法 special identification;39.特别军事法庭 special court-martial; military commission;40.特别开支 special expenses;41.特别客车 saloon car;42.特别快车 limited express; express train;43.特别快车机车 express engine;44.特别利益 special advantage;45.特别流通单据 special negotiable instrument;46.特别留置权 particular lien;47.特别命令 special order;48.特别陪审团 special jury; struck jury;49.特别批准 special authorization;50.特别任务 special duty;51.特别任务完成情况图 {图} special job cover map;52.特别诉讼程序 special proceedings;53.特别税 special assessment; surtay;54.特别损益 extraordinary gain or loss;55.特别提款权 special drawing right (SDR); special drawing rights (SDRS) (国际货币基金的);56.特别提款权本位 SDR standard;57.特别提款权分配 allocation of special drawing rights;58.特别提款权估值 valuation of SDR;59.特别提款权平价 SDR parity;60.特别提款权账户 special drawing account;61.特别条款 special clause;62.特别通知信用证 special advised credit;63.特别行政区 special administrative region;64.特别许可证 special licence;65.特别信用 special credit;66.特别医疗单位 intensive care unit (ICU);67.特别遗产管理人 special administrator;68.特别研究小组 task force;69.特别优惠待遇 special preferential treatment;70.特别预算 special budget;71.特别账户 special account;72.特别折旧 abnormal depreciation;73.特别折让 special allowance;74.特别争议 special issue;75.特别支付代理人 special disburser;76.特别谘文 Special Message (SM);77.特别资历 superseniority;78.特别准备 special reserve;79.特别罪行 crimen extraordinarium




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