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词汇 电池
释义 电池电池[diàn chí]1.{电} cell; battery; element; electric battery:干电池dry cell;太阳能电池solar battery;蓄电池storage battery;电池用完了。The battery has run down.这台半导体收音机用4节小电池。This transistor radio has four small cells.大多数的手电筒用两节电池。Most flashlights work on two batteries.
常用词组1.电池槽 battery case;2.电池测试器 cell tester;3.电池车 battery vehicle;4.电池充电器 battery charger;5.电池代用器 battery eliminator;6.电池电压 battery voltage;7.电池电源 battery supply;8.电池功率 power of battery [cell];9.电池供电 battery supply feed;10.电池供电管 battery tube;11.电池互换器 battery commutator;12.电池架 battery rack;13.电池接收机 battery receiver [radio set];14.电池接线端 cell terminal;15.电池井 battery cellar;16.电池壳 battery case;17.电池励磁发电机 battery generator;18.电池脉冲 battery impulse;19.电池内阻 internal resistance of cell;20.电池能量 energy content of battery;21.电池偏压 battery bias;22.电池瓶 battery jar;23.电池铅板 lead grill;24.电池容量 battery capacity; capacity of cell;25.电池上盖 cell cover;26.电池收音机 battery radio set;27.电池损耗 battery loss;28.电池外壳 cellpacking;29.电池维护工 batteryman;30.电池箱 cell box;31.电池效率 battery [cell] efficiency;32.电池引线 battery lead;33.电池转换开关 battery switch;34.电池组 battery; pile;35.电池作用腐蚀 galvanic corrosion




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