词汇 | 现场 |
释义 | 现场现场[xiàn chǎng]1.■ (出事地点) scene:保护现场keep the scene intact;作案现场the scene of a crime2.■ (工作地点) site; spot; on-site; work field:工作现场worksite;试验现场testing ground;奔赴现场proceed to the spot; rush to the scene;观看世界杯比赛的现场转播watch the live telecasting of the world cup match;警察被派往出事现场。The policemen were dispatched to the spot.人群围聚在受灾现场。The crowds gathered about the scene of the disaster. 常用词组1.■现场拌合 job mix;2.■现场办公 handle official business on the spot;3.■现场报导员 anchorman; anchorwoman;4.■现场表演 on-the-spot demonstration; live demonstration;5.■现场采访 spot coverage; chat [talk] show;6.■现场采访记者 legman;7.■现场查验 view of the scene;8.■现场参观 field trip;9.■现场抽查 spot check;10.■现场淬火 {冶} field quenching;11.■现场调查 field survey; on-the-spot investigation;12.■现场多声道录音 on-location multi-track recording;13.■现场服务 field service;14.■现场复查 field review;15.■现场观察 participant observation;16.■现场灌筑混凝土 concrete in situs;17.■现场焊接 {冶} field weld;18.■现场会议 on-the-spot meeting;19.■现场交货 delivery on spot;20.■现场浇筑 {土} cast in situs; cast-in-place; poured-in-place;21.■现场教学 on-the-spot teaching; field teaching;22.■现场勘测 site investigation;23.■现场勘察 inspection of the scene of a crime;24.■现场考试 examination on the spot;25.■现场可编程序的逻辑阵列 {计} FPLA (field programmable logic array);26.■现场联结 field connection;27.■现场录音 live recording;28.■现场铆钉 field rivet;29.■现场内通信 intrasite communication;30.■现场烹调 tableside cooking;31.■现场(新颖)摄影机 live camera;32.■现场失效 field failure;33.■现场实验 field experiment;34.■现场试验 field test; field investigation;35.■现场数据 field data;36.■现场外分析 {环} off-site analysis;37.■现场维修 field maintenance;38.■现场物证 evidence at the scene;39.■现场消息 {新} spot news;40.■现场效果 spot effect;41.■现场询查 desk audit;42.■现场研究 field research; work place study;43.■现场研究课程 {教} field course;44.■现场预制 in-situ precast;45.■现场政治工作 on-the-spot political work;46.■现场直播 live broadcast;47.■现场指导 on-the-spot guidance;48.■现场指挥(者) floor manager;49.■现场钟访 on-site clock visit;50.■现场转播 live broadcast [telecasting]; telecast live;51.■现场装配 field connection |
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