词汇 | 生活 |
释义 | 生活生活[shēng huó]1.■ (为生存和发展而进行的各种活动) life:幸福生活a happy life;日常生活daily life;政治生活political life2.■ (生存) live; exist:他靠正当的劳动生活。He lives by honest labour.一个人脱离社会就不能生活下去。One cannot live cut off from society.3.■ (衣、食、住、行等方面的事或情况) livelihood:生活困难be badly off;生活简朴live in a small way;自从他的生意兴隆以来, 他们一直过着优裕的生活。They have been living on easy street since his business began to prosper. 常用词组1.■生活本能 life instinct;2.■生活必需品 necessaries of life; daily necessities; aliment;3.■生活变迁 weather;4.■生活标准 standard of living;5.■生活参数 living parameter;6.■生活舱甲板 messdeck;7.■生活舱室 accommodation;8.■生活方式 life-style; mode [way] of life; bag; -biosis;9.■生活废物 domestic wastes;10.■生活福利 welfare; welfare benefits;11.■生活供给制 system of providing for the basic needs of life;12.■生活供水 living water;13.■生活环境 bag; surroundings; environment;14.■生活环境区适应 ecobiotic adaptation;15.■生活间 welfare quarter;16.■生活节奏 circadian rhythm; pace [tempo] of life;17.■生活经验 experience of life;18.■生活空间 lebensraum;19.■生活垃圾 house refuse;20.■生活来源 source of income;21.■生活乐趣 joy of life;22.■生活流 stream of life;23.■生活能力 viability;24.■生活凭证学说 living-document doctrine;25.■生活气候学 domestic climatology;26.■生活水平 living standard; standard of living;27.■生活条件 living conditions;28.■生活污水 domestic sewage; sanitary sewage;29.■生活污水排泄系统 sanitary drainage;30.■生活物质 living material;31.■生活习惯 habits and customs;32.■生活消费 personal consumption; individual consumption;33.■生活小区 biotope;34.■生活型 biotype;35.■生活支出 monthly living expenses; subsistence expenses;36.■生活指数 living index; index of living;37.■生活制度 daily regime; regimen;38.■生活质量 the quality of life;39.■生活周期 cyclogeny; life cycle;40.■生活状况 weather;41.■生活资料 means of livelihood; means of subsistence; consumer goods;42.■生活自理 (of the elderly people) look after oneself in one's daily life;43.■生活作风 behaviour; conduct |
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