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词汇 经验
释义 经验经验[jīng yàn]1. (由实践得来的知识或技能) experience:经验不足lack experience; not be sufficiently experienced;经验丰富have rich experience; be very experienced; well experienced;经验之谈remark made by one who has had experience; the wise remark of an experienced person;间接经验indirect experience;交流经验exchange experience;介绍经验pass on one's experience;直接经验direct experience;总结经验sum up experience;积累经验accumulate experience;扩大经验widen one's experience;20年的航海经验twenty years' sea-going experience;工作经验work experience;她是一个有经验的主妇。She was a housewife of experience.经验为智慧之母。Experience is the mother of wisdom.谁也不能忽视人类所积累的经验。None can afford to neglect the accumulated experience of man.2. (经历) go through; experience
常用词组1.经验常数 empirical constant;2.经验单位 regnancy;3.经验法则 rule of thumb;4.经验反应 empirical response;5.经验方程 empirical equation;6.经验方法 empirical method;7.经验分布 empirical distribution;8.经验概率 empirical probability;9.经验公式 empirical equation; empirical formula;10.经验管理学派 experience school of management thought;11.经验花图式 empirical diagram;12.经验教训 lessons from one's experience; experience and lessons;13.经验疗法 empiric treatment;14.经验平均值 empirical average;15.经验曲线 {数} empirical curve; experience curve;16.经验设计 empirical design;17.经验试验 empirical experiment;18.经验数据 empirical data;19.经验温标 empirical thermometric scale;20.经验温度剖面 empirical temperature profile;21.经验箱纸板 test board;22.经验众数 empirical mode;23.经验主义 empiricism;24.经验主义者 empiricist




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